Chapter 9

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I'm full so full of nervous energy when I'm getting ready in the morning. Marco sent me a message telling me to wear long pants because he doesn't want me to burn my legs on the exhaust pipes. I pull my hair into a ponytail and apply a bit of makeup. I go into the hallway and see Karolina going downstairs in full-face makeup.

"Where are you going?" she asks.

"I'm going with Marco to the Uniform shop."

"Why are you dressed like that?" She asks.

"He is picking me up on his motorcycle," I say with a grin.

"He's gonna want something from you. Katrina, you know, that right?" She says.

"Shut up, Karolina. Mind your own business." I say and hear the roar of an engine coming up the street. I run down the stairs. " Daddy, I'm leaving!"

"Be careful, Katrina," he says from the kitchen.

"Okay, daddy! I will!" I say, running out the door. I see the motorcycle pull up into the driveway.

He stops the engine and puts the kickstand down, and he quickly dismounts the bike. He unfastens his helmet and pulls it off his head. He pushes his hair back from his forehead. My goodness, he looks so good, and my mouth goes dry. I feel my heart going a million miles an hour. He smiles broadly at me, and I see something I didn't notice yesterday. He has dimples. I fight the urge to jump into his arms and kiss the hell out of him. Just then, I hear a shriek of excitement, and it makes me smile. Joey.

"Is that your motorcycle, Marco!" Joey yells happily.

"It sure is. You want to sit on it, Joey?" He asks.

"Yes! Please." Joey jumps up and down. Marco picks him up and puts him on the bike. "Vroom vroom."

"You just made a best friend for life." I laugh. I hear the front door open.

"Joey, come on, we need to get you ready to go," Mama says. "Thank you, Marco, for letting him sit on your bike." Marco take pulls Joey off the bike. Joey runs back into the house.

Marco pulls open a compartment on the bike and pulls out a leather jacket. There is another helmet attached to the back of the bike. He pulls that off as well and messes with the chin strap. He comes close to me, and I feel his breath on my face. He smells of cinnamon, my new favorite smell. Marco pulls my hair tie off of my ponytail, and my hair falls down my back in waves. He pushes the hair behind my ears, and he puts the helmet on my head, adjust and clicking the straps. He put the jacket on my shoulders and put arms through the sleeves, and he zips and clips it closes. His face is still close to mine, and it makes my hormones go crazy.

"Good Morning, Katrina," he says. "You ready?" I nod. "Are you scared?"

"A little bit," I admit.

"It's okay; I got you." He says. He puts his leg over the bike and holds his hand out for me to do the same.

"I'm excited too, though," I say as I get on the bike all the way.

"Scoot up to me as far as you can go." He says. I do, and I'm so close to him, and I take a deep breath, and I take his scent in. "Put your legs on the pegs and give me your hands."

I do what he asks, and legs go onto the pegs, so my thighs are near his sides. My heart is all a flutter when I give him my hands, and he tugs me forward, so my arms are wrapped around him in a hug. He intertwines his fingers with mine and squeezes hands. He lets go, and he touches my thigh and looks back at me.


"I'm ready!" I beam at him. He starts the bike, and vibrations do things to my already overstimulated body.

We pull out of the driveway, and he squeezes my hand once more, and we take off down the street. I'm hugging tightly to him because I'm a little scared and because I don't want to let him go. He feels right in my arms. The adrenaline I feel is unreal, and I do not want this feeling to end. I realize the bike is no longer moving, and I have no idea how long we have been stopped. I can feel his fingers on my forearms, and he squeezes them, and he lets me hug him for a little bit longer.

I reluctantly let him go, and he gets off the bike, and he helps me off. I look at him, and I'm scared and full of excitement all at once.

Scared that I will be hurt. Excited that I will experience new things with Marco.

I'm more than willing. 


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