Chapter 5

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The bell rings for my last period of the day, and I grab all my things and shove them in my backpack. I file out with the rest of my classmates. I walk down the hall and see him! The guy from the park I get the courage to start to walk over to him, and then it happens. Karolina happens! She walks over to him and touches her arm with her fingertips. I hide behind the wall as I watch her put on her red lipstick and blow him a kiss. Well, there went that. He will like her more than me because she gives it up. She makes fun of me for being a never been kissed eighteen year old. I don't have to be like her to get what I want. I think that I will never have a guy like him. He is out of my league. I go to class and sit down and mope.

"What's wrong?" Chucky asks as he takes the empty desk next to me.

"That guy from the park is a student, and Karo already dug her claws in," I whisper.

"Oh, I met him. I showed his locker. I think his name is Michael or was Martin. It starts with an M is all I know."

"It doesn't matter anyway. He will hang with Karo's group of friends. I seriously thought he was different."

"Different how?"

"He knew about my book that I was reading."

"Well, he could have memorized titles to impress girls. Like I do with poetry.

"Yeah, how is that working for you?"

"Shut up, Katrina. I haven't found a girl to use it on yet!" he laughs, making me feel better.

Once school is over, Chucky and I head over to the library to meet up with our tutoring job. I tutor for a rich kid in English, and Chucky tutors the sibling in science and math. People think Chucky is annoying and weird, but what he really is; is a genius. He is so smart. He is just hyper, and people can't handle that. His father can't even handle him. Chucky's dad is my daddy's little brother, and he was supposed to pick Chucky up for the weekend, but he faked out. He always fakes out on him, and it pisses my dad off. I know it hurts Chucky, but he hates talking about it, so he always jokes about it.

"Where the hell is the Johnson family, I have things I have to do?" Chucky whines. "They are an hour late."

"What things do you have to do?" I joke with him.

"Uh, eat at your house. My mom went on a date. She planned it thinking my dad was gonna pick me up. She was going to cancel, but I told her not to do that." As he is saying this, the Johnson family walks in.

"Sorry, we're late. Our swim lessons ran long." The mother says like it was nothing at all.

"Next time, text us because we have to be late for our family dinner." Chucky says.

"Very well, next time I will do that. Will we get the full hour?" she asks — snobby ass bitch.

"Yes, but let me call my dad first." I say as I get up to call him. He picks up on the second ring. "Daddy, the Johnson family showed up an hour late. She wants the full hour still. I'm sorry, I'm going to be late."

"Don't be sorry. Let me talk to her."

"Okay, hold on. Excuse me. My dad would like to speak to you." I say, looking over at Chucky shrugging.

"Hello, yes, okay, that is fair. Goodbye." She hands me back the phone.


"She will be giving you and Chucky both eighty dollars each. Sixty for the tutoring and twenty for being late."

"Thank you, Daddy. See you in an hour."

We finish at the library, and we are both starving. We walk the two blocks to my house and see an unfamiliar truck in the driveway. That must be his employee, Miguel's truck. All I know of Miguel is that he moved from Connecticut and his wife died last year. I didn't ask if he had any kids our age. We walk up the cobblestone driveway to the front door, and sensor lights turn on. I can hear Joey screaming my name from outside. I open the door, and he greets us with hugs. I love this little boy so much.

"Hi Katrina, Hi cousin, Chucky! I made a new best friend, and his name is Marco, and he is in the dining room."

"Hi Joey, you did is he nice?"

"So nice! He let me play games on his phone."

"He's not a little boy?"

"No, he is a big boy."

"Let's go eat okay," I say, turning the corner into the dining room. Sitting there is the guy from the park. I'm like a deer in headlight. I say the first thing that pops in my head. "Hi, there how was the rest of your chocolate ice cream?" I can feel my face burn red, and I see the look of confusion on his face, and it makes me smile.

"It was good, thank you." He says standing up to greet us. "Hi, I'm Marco, nice to officially meet you, Katrina." He does something that baffles me. He pulls out the seat next to him for me to sit down. I have never had anyone do that before. I smile at him.

"Thank you, Marco." I say quietly. I can feel my face burn red.

"Wow, what a gentleman," Mama says.

"My wife thought him well." His father says. I look at my dad, and he is smiling at Marco. My heart hurts as I remember that daddy told us about Miguel. His wife died, that means Marco's mama died.

"Hey, Chucky, mijo, I thought your dad was coming to get you this weekend?"

"Tio Tony, you already know the answer to that. If I had gone, I would have missed this amazing meatloaf." He says, trying to joke, but his big eyes are full of sadness. My dad is pissed but hides it well. I can tell by his now ticking jaw.

My mom puts plates in front of Chucky and me, and we dig in. Her famous meatloaf is to die for, and I don't care if there is a cute boy at the table this girl loves to eat. We chit chat about all sorts of things and what I like is that he includes Chucky too. We have a ton in common, and I love it. I look at Karolina, and she narrows her eyes at me.

Take that bitch!


Thank you for reading!

Poor Chucky he's dealing with a lot 

what do you think of Karolina reaction to Katrina engaging with Marco and him with her

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