Chapter 6

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My mom made some banana pudding, and I look at Marco, and his eyes light up, and then they go sad, but it vanishes right away. He hums his approval when he takes a bite, and it makes me smile. Joey shovels spoon after spoon into his mouth.

"You're so gross, Joey, stop eating like that," Karolina says.

"Leave him alone. He knows what's good." Chucky says.

"Fuck your Chucky mind your business!" She says. "Why are you even here?"

"Karolina! Enough! Apologize to Joey, Chucky, and our guests for your disgusting attitude." Mama says through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry." She says.

"Maybe we should be on our way." Miguel says.

"No stay, it's been ages since we have had company," Mama says with a smile.

"How old are you all?" Marco asks

"Eighteen," both Karolina and I say at the same time. We laugh at his expression that creeps people out, but we can't help it.

"That was creepy, right?" Chucky laughs. "I'm seventeen. How about you?"

"I'm nineteen." He says quickly.

"Wait, your nineteen and a senior? Did you flunk or something?" Chucky asks.

"Chucky!" My dad admonishes him.

"It's okay, Mr. Camacho. No, Chucky, I didn't flunk out. My mom died last year, and I missed a lot of school to be with her."

"Damn, Marco, I'm so sorry. I feel like shit." Chucky says, feeling horrible.

"It's okay, bro, no worries."

"Miguel, I need to talk shop with you." My dad says. "Let's go to my office."

"Daddy, before you go, Chucky and I wanted to go to the Cyber Café tonight? Can we go?" I ask.

"You guys, are boring." Karolina rolls her eyes.

"What time will you be home?"


"That's fine." He says, and Karolina starts to leave the dining.

"Hey, Marco, you want to come with us?" Chucky asks.

"What is it exactly?" Marco asks as we move to the living room.

"A café where they do poetry and have open mic nights for music, our friend Marley is singing tonight." I say. I hope that he agrees to go.

"That sounds cool; sure, I'll go." He says with a smile. Karolina runs back down the stairs and comes into the dining room.

"I'll come too." She says.

"You're grounded," Chucky says, sitting on the couch.

"Thanks for reminding me, idiot. He said I could go out with Katrina."

"Why did you get grounded?" Marco asks. He sits Joey on his lap so they can finish their game on his cell phone.

"Because she was naked in the shower with a boy today." Joey says, playing the game. Marco coughs out loud.

"What?" Marco says after his coughing fit.

"JOEY! You little shit!" she yells. It startles Joey, and he begins to cry.

"It's okay, buddy don't cry," Marco says. He soothes him by patting his back.

"Go find mama, Joey." I say.

"Okay, Marco, will you play with me again?"

"Sure, bud." He says with a smile.

"Dude! Are we going or not?" Chucky says.

"Yeah, let me change out of my uniform," I say. "Karolina, you still want to come?" Please say no, I think.

"Let me get changed and I'll be right down." She says. I roll my eyes.

We run upstairs together, and we run into our bedrooms. I go to my closet and rummaging through my clothing. I want to look cute but not like I'm trying. I grab black tank top bodysuit and dark blue skinny jeans, and I top it off with a red and black checkered Van's button-up shirt. I leave the shirt open. I run downstairs and see Karolina is already down there. She is wearing a short skin tight tank-top mini dress with sandals.

The Bitch!


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