#1 - my story

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This story starts at the start of season 2. Like literally the second episode.

For starters, my name is y/n Hinata. But I prefer people to call me y/n. I've become sick and tired of all this "Miss Hinata" because it's so formal and I am way too young for that!

My birthday is y/b/d (the year you're reading this minus 18) and I'm 168cm tall (5'6.1").

(i changed her height because she's a model and i feel like making her taller would make her so powerful like dayum, i'm also 5'1" so don't hate on me lol)

Anyways, here's where I am now:

I don't really remember how I got here to be honest. I've been in the modelling industry for about 8 years. So I started when I was around 10. I've also done a fair amount of commercials and done a few acting jobs. But that also meant that I had to leave my mom, my sister Natsu and my brother Shoyo back in Japan.

I live in America right now and I speak both languages fluently, thank god. My dad is my manager and he's helped me with so much. I'm extremely grateful for that. But I was thinking, I need a break.

I want to see my family. Yes, we visited. But only for around a week twice a year and for me, that just wasn't enough. Me and my brother would always facetime eachother at night. I'm so glad that we can still connect. Sometimes all three of them would be in the livingroom together while I'd be in my bedroom slightly homesick.

The house me and dad lived in was pretty big for just the two of us. Sometimes it would feel empty but I decorated it a little bit and I like the space. It makes me feel free. Like I can do whatever I want sometimes.

Dad's always so busy. But he always makes the most of the time we have together. I started to take up an interest in volleyball when I was young and it was a way for me to express my emotions. Especially when I got angry. I would serve the ball as hard as I could from as high up in the air as I can possibly jump and the sound of the impact as it hit the floor would always leave me satisfied.

I told my brother about it one day and turns out he loves it too. Now he's in a school called Karasuno and made it into their volleyball team. I'm glad he's happy. But I want to be there myself.

Maybe I'll take some time off and move back for a while.


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