#8 - training camp

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i just wanna say that i didn't expect this book to get so many reads and the comments you guys leave me brighten my day!!! i love you guys! :)))

Also, for the sake of making this fic 100x easier, the timeline is going to be in the present (if that makes sense). So basically, I might include random things that might not have existed when the timeline is actually set which is about 2012-2013. In simpler terms, I'm keeping this shit fresh.

"Woah! Leaving in the middle of the night makes my heart race!" Shoyo exclaimed while his sister was resting her head on his shoulder. She had quite a rough day considering the school work and the love confessions she had to turn down. It was honestly exhausting for her.

"Keep it down will ya?" She grumbled,

"Oh right! You guys got there late last time." Tanaka said with his arms crossed,

"Must be nice to be a simpleton, you can fall asleep anywhere." Tsukishima said. While it got Tanaka and Shoyo pissed of (meaning y/n couldn't use his shoulder as a head rest anymore) y/n chuckled while stretching a bit,

"Aha, got that right."

Since Tsukishima's comments were intended to piss people off, it only entertained y/n. Besides, when it came to comments like that she could easily manoeuvre around them as if it didn't faze her at all.

This trait she had made the bean stalk respect her, also meaning that she had the advantage to piss him off slightly at times while he wouldn't be too concerned about it. Probably because they had a similar sense of humour - y/n's just a bit more out there, you know?

Whereas if someone like her brother was to do anything y/n would do instead, he would already be ticked off to the max and be in a salty mood towards him.

Y/n saw the concern on Sugawara's face when seeing how Shoyo and Kageyama still weren't on speaking terms and she too held the same expression.

"Hey," she walked over to Kageyama and nudged his arm. Y/n handed him a couple of lollipops since she always carried some candy on her, "for the road, alright?"

"Oh, thank you."

She patted his back a couple of times, "Don't stress it." Sugawara, who was watching, and Kageyama both realised that her sentence had more than one meaning. One being about the tension between him and her brother.

After seeing her give out her signature smile even after being extreme drained and exhausted, he was able to give one of his own also.

Everyone was boarding the coach while y/n jogged a little in front of Shoyo and pushed his head back teasingly, "I dibs window seat,"

In reply, he groaned, "Fine... Only if I get it on the way back."

~at Tokyo~

Stepping off the coach, y/n could see Nekoma's captain with another teammate waiting for them and popped the lollipop out of her mouth.

"Hey! You're Kuroo Tetsuro, right? Nekoma's captain. I don't think I've actually introduced myself since we've met, I'm new at Karasuno." She was carrying a bag rested on her shoulder as she introduced herself. Since she grew up and worked around numerous industries and also lived in the city back in America, introducing herself was almost an everyday task and was as easy as breathing air for her.

"Yeah, that's me. Know my name already, huh? If I didn't know any better, you could be a stalker, y/n Hinata," He said rather sarcastically. Since teasing people is practically in his nature, he couldn't help himself. Both of their hands were on their hips but Kuro was leaning down more while y/n's head was tilted up to maintain eye contact.

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