#14 - a step towards finals

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"Hey cutie pies!" The blond dude from Johzenji waved at the two managers.

"Hm... haven't heard that one before," y/n put her hand to her chin, "I like it!"

Kiyoko stood there and groaned, turning her head to the side,

"Aww, I love it when you blush!"

"Ugh. I hate men." Y/n mumbled.

Meanwhile, Tanaka and Nishinoya were about to pounce of the team's captain, a cute girl pushed blonde to the side and apologised to the team, causing the chaotic duo to freeze in midair.

Terushima waved off and left to enter the stadium, Karasuno doing the same soon after.


"Hmm, Sho's taking a while to head back..." Y/n furrowed her eyebrows before her stomach rumbled, "Ugh...". Suga saw this and chucked at her state,

"He went to the toilet, and I'm pretty sure i saw a vending machine on the way there. I think I saw (f/s) in it too. D'ya mind picking up something for me too?"

"Oh my gosh, Suga thank you you're such a life saver I love you." She took the cash Suga handed to her and sped walked over.

"Ta ta!" Suga waved her off.

Y/n was able to spot her brother near the toilets by his bright hair and black clothes. But... he was surrounded by three other people?

As she walked nearer she could see the faint features of Shiratorizawa's ace, 'oh shit.' but could only see the backs of two other people in white and teal uniforms.

"Holy crap look!"

"Dude it's Shiratorizawa and Seijoh,"

"It's like a freaking powder van ready to explode!"

"Uh, who's the squirt in the middle?"

"It's him! The little number 10 for Karasuno!"

Yup. That's Sho. Why in lord's name is he picking a fight.

"Yeah, well only one team can go to the nationals." She heard the Shiratorizawa dude say, 'seems like the stoic type,'. There was quite a lot of tension between the four and even a crowd started to beside them, blocking the vending machine which irked the girl quite a bit.

Y/n peaked round the two unknown figures and got her brother's attention... In the worst way possible. Just as a sister should.

"What is this, a reverse harem?" She gasped dramatically, "Shoyo you whore."



After teasing her brother, y/n turned her head to get a better look of the two other people. One had spiky hair (and was lowkey hot but don't tell Toru she thought that) and the other-.......

Her eyes widened and so did the boy she made eye contact with before she slapped her hand over her mouth,




They leapt into each other's arms abruptly, making the other people around them jump in confusion.


"TORU!" The two squealed,


She pulled away from him, her hands resting on his shoulders stretched out,

"Girl, I swear to god-" Their little interaction made the crowd around disperse,

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