#13 - a (bad) day

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heyyy! :3 i got a few things to say,
1. fern and rhyzlène, fuck you
3. i want suna to rail me into oblivion

that is all.

Y/n woke up to the obnoxious sound of Toru's alarm at... 5. In the fucking morning. Wow. What a lovely TWO hours of sleep.

Reaching over the boy's sprawled out figure she took his phone and turned off the alarm.


"Get up shithead."

Toru sat up with a yawn and turned to look at y/n with her magnificent bed head, "Your morning voice is lowkey hot."

"I sound like I smoke 10 packs of cigarettes a day because of the TWO hours of sleep I got, Toru."

"Yeah, yeah you'll live, Sleeping Beauty."

"No I won'tttt." Y/n groaned, "I want my sleep Toru. You know what, I'll just have a nap later and it's gonna be marvellous."

Toru just said "Mhm," as they both got ready for the day.

The pair got coffee and something small for breakfast on their way to the station which is where Toru and y/n said their goodbyes - consisting of Toru squeezing the girl almost to death is a hug, earring a few weird looks from people.

"If your dumbass ever needs a girls day out or to just relax you better call me, okay?"

Toru wiped a fake tear from the corner of his eye, "Of course y/n babe, thank you so much,"

"You are very much welcome, Toru."


Y/n had just stepped into her home and was attacked into a hug by her little sister, Natsu.

"Oh, really? And I was doing work errands and couldn't get home in time. Awwww did wittle Natsu miss meee?" She ruffled her little sisters hair and pinched her cheeks.

"Noooo!! Stoooop!-"

"Why are you harassing Natsu?" Shoyo appeared in the doorway with his cheeks stuffed with pancakes.

"I'm not, she loves me really."

"Hmpf!" Natsu crossed her arms and stuck her head up in spite.

"You fool, you missed One Piece night." Shoyo turned around and headed back to the kitchen.

"Ughhh sorry! It was too dark to head back!"

"Foolery!" Y/n heard her brother faintly respond back in the distance.

~timeskip to back at school~

Y/n was sitting down on a bench, leaning her head on Yachi's shoulder, she stiffened up at first but soon relaxed to it. The third year had done this multiple times before to Kiyoko, so she asked what was up,

"Are you okay?" She knew she was about to get a rant from y/n.

"No. Today is not my day. I was messing about with Shoyo this morning and people thought we were dating? Like HELLO??? WE LITERALLY LOOK ALIKE. Also it's always the first and second years that don't even know my surname that gossip about it. Like C'MONNN BRO WHY WOULD I GO FOR A FIRST YEAR? Sigh. Also I stayed up watching anime until like 3 and my mom made me walk with Shoyo, HE LEAVES SO EARLY."

"There there," Yachi patted y/n's head that rested on her and she sighed in relief.

But that was before her brother pitched in, "Uh, yeah you should probably stop doing that. Your eyebags are getting worse and mom will stop making you breakfast if she finds out." He giggled at his sister's misfortunes and went to grab his drink.

"Ugh, shut the fuck uppp." She whined, but in English so she didn't seem to vulgar at that point.

Shoyo gasped, "Language!"

"Uh, yeah. The wrong one." Tsukishima said.

"Hm? Oh right, she said shut the fuck up."

"Woo!! One point to Sho!"

Kageyama looked at Shoyo disgusted, "I thought you were trash at english! Like me!"

"Wow, he admitted it." Tsukki mumbled,

"Yeah but y/n always swore in english so she wouldn't get her ass beat so I ended up picking up on it."

And moments later, y/n began to quiz her brother on the vulgar vocabulary he learnt from his dearest sister,

"Fuck you,

son of a bitch,

uhhhh, piece of shit?"



"Those two... are definitely something?" Yamaguchi muttered to Tsukishima, in which he replied with a simple 'mhm'.

Later in the day, y/n had a chemistry test. Not making her day any better. I mean, it could've been fine apart from the fact that her score... wasn't the greatest. Just a few more marks and she wouldn't have to do a retest but of course not. Today's luck was not on her side.

(this physically pains me to write because i'm deadass so proud of myself for actually understanding the majority of chemistry. fuck physics tho. physics can die.)

If things couldn't get worse, the period after that which also happened to be the last period, she realised she forgot her glasses in her locker. In the one room where she sat in the worst seat possible for her eyesight. Which means her notes... uhhh... she barely wrote any. Maybe the date, title and a few bullet point from what she heard from the teacher but that was it.

Good lord, she hoped the inter high preliminaries match the boys had soon would rise her spirits at least a tiny bit.

(i do not care if you have 20/20 vision, suffer like the rest of us)

~time skip to them rocking up to the place for the match??)/:@;);&; idk i'm tired help~

Y/n and the team arrived at the Sendai City Gym where her brother started talking about revenge and whatnot. Then all of a sudden he started to sprint to the entrance which startled her and also caused Kags to chase after him.

"Those two knuckleheads only have brain capacity for one thought at a time don't they." Yamaguchi said,

"ACKH AHHAHAHAHAHAH- *cough* *cough*" Y/n choked on her gum at his comment, startling him before he started to pat her back, "Oh my god I fucking swallowed it,"

(the amount of times this has happened to me 😐)

"Simpletons." Tsukki added.


HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN JUJUTSU KAISEN YET??? uh yeah i'm obsessed (⁰⁰)

anyways bye love you <3

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