#16 - nostalgia

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It was safe to say that Kuroo was a life saver, and you couldn't help but reminisce over the call you two shared after it had ended. The heat rising to you cheeks embarrassed you even further as you rushed yourself to go to sleep.

You needed as much as you could get considering the late hours you had gone into trying to do your homework and the big big match the team had very soon.


The team stepped out of the coach and faced the building in front of them. Finally, their match against Shiratorizawa was going to happen. Finals is starting. Y/n stood next to Suga and Asahi when the sound of a girl calling Daichi's name caused them all to turn around.

"Wow, hey, Yui! I'm glad to see you really came,"

"Of course! I wouldn't miss this for the world!-"

Suga than began to push Y/n and Asahi along to the rest of the team, y/n craning her neck to wave at the two girls behind Yui who she had classes with,

"Do they have a thing or something?" She asked Suga, only for him to "shh" her with his finger up to his lips.

The team had only just walked into the gymnasium and Nishinoya and Tanaka were already making a ruckus, y/n recording them as they hyped eachother up about their fantasies of being fangirled over.

Only a minute after, Shoyo and Kageyama got into a squabble in which y/n sneaked behind them and shook their heads and messing up their hair,

"HEY!" "HEY!"

"Pack it in you two,"


Seeing Shoyo hit a spike with the quick attack him and Kageyama are so famously known made y/n's nerves crumble away. Just moments before, the team seemed to be sick with nerves, but now that they were playing the game they specialize in on the court, everything started to fall into place.

Although y/n did seem to be in quite the giggly mood after her brother called one of Shiratorizawa's players Benkei.

Man, he's so stupid.

Yachi looked at her questionably as she tried to hold in her laughs.

"Roger that buddy! Kick some ass for us,"

Y/n had her eye on the red haired dude form Shiratorizawa, he stood out quite a lot. Looked mischievous too. From her experience, guys like that are always the worst in competitive things. And considering this is a game... well, you can figure it out from there. Although his personality did seem quite fun to say the least. He reminded her of someone she used to know.

"You have to pull your own weight too, you can just lean on Ushiwaka."

"Sorry to put too much pressure on him, Benkei,"

Y/n doubled over and snorted, hands coving her face, Yachi, Saeko and Tsukki's brother next to her watching as her body shook from laughter. When she finally looked up with her lips pursed together into a smile, she looked over again to see the red head staring at her. The two held eye contact for a minute before he gave her a cheeky cat like smile and walked off.

Eventually both teams and their coaches had their names called out one by one, y/n figuring out that the boy's name was Satori Tendou.

Why does that name sound... familiar?

my bad guys but i cant stand when ppl write the matches out down to a pinpoint it's repetitive and too much effort ☹️

the other hinataTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon