#3 - Karasuno's new manager

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^^ I did that myself! I thought that she should have a more strawberry blonde than a bright ginger ;)

I arrived at the school office and got my syllabus and went to my classes.

Now when I say I had way too much attention on me, I mean it. I just really hope that my name doesn't get to my brother's ears. A few boys I made eye contact with got nosebleeds and a couple dudes fainted? I'm so confused...

I just can't wait until the end of the day...

Kiyoko and I met up at lunch and she was super nice. She looked so happy to know that there's going to be another manager. I guess I'm lucky to have a love for this sport.

While we were walking down the halls we got a lot of stares. Like a lot.

"Oh, by the way, do you know Shoyo Hinata?" I asked.

"Yeah, he's actually on the team. Are you two related? You have the same surname and you two look quite similar."

"He's actually my brother! I came to this school because of him. I've never really spent a long period of time with him so my dad gave me a gap year or two."

"It must've been hard doing all that modelling and acting for so many years."

"Aha, yeah. It's kinda my life so I've gotten a little used to it. But I needed a break. And I need time with my family you know? Me and my dad have been able to keep our personal lives quite secret from the press which is pretty good. It's really frustrating for them though, they don't even know I have siblings!"

"It definitely sounds like an interesting life."

We both giggled until I saw a familiar ginger. I quickly nudged Kiyoko and before we knew it, we were running around the school halls, giggling.

"What was that about?" Kiyoko asked, catching her breath while still chuckling.

"I want to surprise Shoyo after school."

"Oh right, that makes sense."

"Also, since there's two Hinatas, you can just call me y/n."

"Will do, y/n."

Me and Kiyoko definitely because quite good friends. I even got her number. Honestly, I think she could be a model herself after she graduates. Talking of school, finals are coming up, and I literally just joined! But since I've always been homeschooled I've been a tiny bit ahead of the school curriculum. So I think I'll be okay during the tests. That doesn't mean I shouldn't study though, ughhhhh.

After school I rang up Kiyoko and we met up to head over to the volleyball hall. She opened up the door and low and behold, there was everyone practicing. It wasn't hard to find the person I was looking for though, since his hair is bright orange. I was a little bit behind Kiyoko so no one could property see me.

Suddenly this bald-ish dude, a guy with grey hair and a smaller one with a streak of blonde came up to us.

"Hey beautiful!"

"Who's tha-"

"Y/-!?!" Before the girl-crazy duo could finish speaking my brother beat them to it.

"Y/NNNNNNNN!!!" I stepped forward to see his eyes beaming and this fists curled up in excitement.

"SHOYOOOOOO!!!" We ran towards eachother at full speed and jumped into a hug. We did this every time we saw eachother and was always to see who was the one with the most powerful jump. This time it was my brother since I was the one who was on the floor.

Shoyo got off of me and pulled me up by my shoulders. We were still sitting on the floor. By my shoulders he was vigorously shaking me.

"Why didn't you tell me you were visiting!!"

Then I put my hands on his shoulders and started to shake him too,

"Because I wanted to surprise you dumbass!!"

~3rd p.o.v.~

The whole team stared at the pair dumbfounded.

Y/n then put her hands on her brother's wrists while shoving her foot in his face.

"Stop shaking me or I will not hesitate to knock your bitch ass out."

"Okay, okay! Not again! Please!"

Daichi was started to get worried for the little ginge, "'Again'?"

Y/n and Shoyo helped eachother up before y/n introduced herself to the team.

"Ah, sorry about that. Anyways, my name is y/n Hinata and I'd like to be your new team manager! It's very nice you meet you all."

She bowed to the team as they circled around her. They then proceeded to bow in return with a "hello".

"This is really great news, now we've got another manager to help out around here." Asahi said.

Y/n smiled and nodded at his words then realised the height difference between her brother and the other guys.

"Woah! You all are so tall! I'm surprised you haven't stepped on Shoyo yet." She said in the most serious face.

"Hey! I'm not that short!"

"Well, yeah, but if someone was to square up to you what are you gonna do? Drown them with your tears of mercy?"

Everyone laughed at how y/n carried on to tease Shoyo. Even Tsukishima took a slight liking to her. But there was no harm to it. Tough love, am I right?


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