#2 - i'm home.

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"Hey Kageyama?"


"Y'know you kinda remind me of my sister."

The temperamental, raven-haired boy visibly stiffened in his spot.


"N-No! Not like that!! It's just that you two are really vulgar but my sister's more under control unlike you."


"Huh? Oh no that's my other sister."

"You have another one?"

"Yeah." His face saddened a little bit despite his smile. The thought of not knowing when they'll properly be together for once dropped his mood.

Across from the room there was Tanaka speaking with his best buddy Nishinoya,

"Hey, you know y/n Hinata?"

"Well yeah dude! Who doesn't?"

"Imagine if she was related to our Hinata, hah! How amazing would that be!!"


I'd been really busy lately. Like, dad booked my so many damn appointments for about gazillion photoshoots and interviews!! Either way, I'm exhausted. But I smelt food.

I slid down the long banister on one side of the stairs and did a little skip when I landed. It was dinner time! The cook we had is an absolute god send and he's making my favourite! Well I think so, I can normally just tell what dinner is when I smell the air when I step out of my room.

I sat down on the little four person table opposite my dad, who had some paperwork in front of him that he was filling out. You'd think that a house like this would have one of those huge long tables that you'd see in them fantasy movies but in reality only 2 people actually sat at the 30 person table.

The chef put the plates in front of us and I was over the moon when I saw my favourite dish right before my very eyes.

"Oh my gosh, thank you Chef Mario!"

(literally the only name i can think of for a chef is mario so yall can just have that 😀👍)

"No problem. Bon appetit, y/n. You too mister Hinata."

"Thanks Mario."

Our chef Mario had been there for me all the time. His Italian accent made speaking to him 10x better. He always comforted me when things began to be too tough and taught me how to over come things alot better now. All in all, things are going a lot more smoothly in this shitty mind of mine.

Dad and I were in comfortable silence. That was until we both finished and he put all his finished paperwork in the large bookbag he kept with him at all times.

"Hey sweetheart?"


"You're not too overwhelmed with the busy schedule you've had lately right?"

"What? No, I'm doing just fine! Yeah it's a bit more than normal but I'm coping and doing as good as ever." I gave him a reassuring smile and he returned one right back.

"Alright, because this is all to fill in for the long break I'm giving you."

I almost choked on the desert Mario had given me moments earlier. Favourite dish, favourite dessert? This all makes sense now!

"W-Wait, what??"

He gave me a loving smile. A smile I got to see often but everytime it would seem like I hadn't seen it for years.

"I thought it would be a good time for you to spend time with your siblings and mother. I'd love to come but I have too much on my plate right now, sorry buttercup."

"Thank you dad. So much." I went round the table to give him a hug and he gladly returned it. He gave me a light squeeze before kissing my head and grabbing my face.

"You have fun, alright sweetpea?"

"Yup! And I'll facetime you everynight!"

"That's my girl." He ruffled my hair and kissed my cheeks before taking our plates to the kitchen. He could have let the assistant cook do it but my dad was a kind and humble man.

As he walked off he spoke again, "You're leaving tomorrow but just pack light! Since you're old enough I've gotten you one of them special black credit cards!"


I think I almost fainted. Those cards have unlimited spending on them. I NEVER THOUGHT HE'D GET ME ONE!


I packed a few of my favourite clothes and wore my most favourite outfit on the way there. It was a beige hoodie that said Hinata on it which both me and my brother had. Apparently it matched the colours in the school uniform at Karasuno so he wore it under his blazer. I asked him if that was even allowed but he shrugged it off.

~time skip~

My dad gave me one last squeeze and kiss on the head before I boarded the private jet. I was at the top of the stairs and gave dad one last look. Once we both waved I went in and sat down, not before wiping a few tears from my eyes. Yes, I was sort of a cry baby.

I watched god who knows how many movies until we finally landed. The flight was 11 hours long, you can't blame me.

I was escorted off the jet and to the airport, the guy was carrying my suitcase and I felt really bad, so I carried by backpack. It was the most (he would let me) I could do. While looking around I already saw around 6 of my commercials. It was kinda weird but cool at the same time.

He put my stuff in this really fancy Alfa Romeo and we drove off. I made a call with the Teacher Advisor from Karasuno, he was pretty chill. His name was Takeda and told me that I should join a club when I get there.

My favourite sports are volleyball, gymnastics and I guess soccer's okay. But volleyball is the best of the best in my option. When I asked about it Takeda said that there's a girls volleyball team, but it isn't doing so well. On the other hand, the boys volleyball team could do with a second manager. I'm pretty sure he gave me this offer because Shoyo's on the team and he knows that we're siblings.

Since it was a Sunday, I had a lot of things on my list to do. I did some clothes shopping and bought the Karasuno uniform as well and I also rang up my mom to tell her I'll drop off my most of my things tonight - just to let off some weight. We're keeping it a secret from my siblings though. I'm not actually staying properly at mom's until Monday because I want to surprise Shoyo at school when I become the team's second manager. The current manager is called Kiyoko, she's gonna help me settle in Karasuno.

I got my driver to drop me off at mom's and I gave her my suitcase before we have eachother way too tight hugs. But I'll be seeing her a lot more in the future, so there's more time for that.

I stayed at a hotel that night and had a pretty good sleep if I do say so myself. I don't actually have to go to school until about 9, so I had a fairly decent amount of time to get ready.


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