Chapter 13

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Mahir we are just gonna leave here... Ajit informed as soon as he received the call.

It's already an hour since you told that you will be here in 45 minutes... Mahir's frustrated and raged voice made Ajit pull the phone away from his ears.

Vish took away her phone from Mahir and put it on speaker, the moment she heard Mahir's rage filled voice.

Hello Ajit... She spoke on the phone.

Ajit... Vatsal on the other hand came to speak with Ajit. So Ajit put the call on hold.

I think we should leave now... Vatsal stated.

Krish let the Doctor give him the injection??? Ajit asked shocked.

No... Actually I have a plan... Last time once Shravani had given Krish an injection... I don't how but she did... So let's take the injection and go... Vatsal explained his plan.

Hmmm ok... Ajit asked Vatsal to execute the plan.

Hello Vish... We'll be there in 15 minutes... Ajit said on the phone.


20 Minutes!!! Mahir stated.

Ajit closed his eyes in frustration and rubbed his forehead which was aching.

We are on the way Mahir... There's a bit traffic... For sure we'll be there in 10 minutes... Ajit assured.

Please make it soon... Vish said looking at everyone's irritated expressions.


Ajit and Vikrant walked into the Sharma House after dismissing the police who were there for Sehgal's and Sharma's security. While Krish, Vatsal and Ishita waited outside.

First of all tell me what connection does I have with SAK??? Was Mahir's first question as he spotted Ajit and Vikrant.

Actually you have no connection with SAK... Ajit stated.

What??? Mahir was confused.

I think it's better if we tell you everything from the beginning... Vikrant spoke.

Andy Sir why don't you tell everything now??? Ajit's words made everyone look at Andy shocked.

Dad??? How does Dad know anything??? Mahir asked even more confused.

If he didn't know then he wouldn't have sent Vyom Kapoor to Delhi to investigate... Ajit declared.

How do you know??? Andy asked surprised.

He's right now in the custody of Delhi CBI, after all he had sneaked into a CBI Officer's house trying to find information about him... Ajit informed.

CBI Officer??? Andy repeated.

Hello Vatty... Come in with Krish and Ishi... Ajit spoke on the phone.

Who is Vatty, Krish and Ishi now??? Mahir asked irritated.

Ishi is Krish's BFF and Vatty is Ishi's BF and Krish's friend... Ajit explained.

BeHir & ShraHir FF : A Twisted Tale Of The Broken Hearts (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now