Chapter 14

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Krish is not Mahir's lookalike... Andy stated as everyone once again gathered in the hall.

I knew it... Vatty, Ishi, Mihir, Shravani and Ajit affirmed about knowing it already.

Rest of the were shocked with this revelation. While Andy and Sumi were shocked to know that Mihir knew the truth.

That means both of them are twin brothers!!! Yuvi exclaimed after recovering from the shock.

Yes... In fact he's real name isn't Krish it's Mihir... Ajit added more information.

Dad!!! Maa!!! If you both knew that I have a twin brother then why didn't you reveal that earlier... Mahir asked irritated.

Because I thought that he was no more... The day you both were born, I was told that Mihir had some complications and has to be operated and then that the operation wasn't successful... Sumi had tears in her eyes remembering about that incident.

Dad??? Mahir questioned but he was sure that Andy knew about Mihir since he had appointed a Private Investigator to investigate.

I wasn't sure... Andy knew that it was time for everyone to know the complete truth.

Andy narrated as to how he came across his friend cum business partner, Alek in the Hospital when he was waiting outside the operation theater as Sumi was taking in for the delivery.

Alek was tensed as Rohini was just in her eight month. His fear came true as the Doctor informed him about Rohini having a miscarriage again. This was the second time. To make situation worse, Rohini couldn't conceive in the future.

On the other side, Andy was informed about having Twin Boys. He was ecstatic on being a Father but he was in grief too thinking about his friend.

Andy and Sumi named their babies as Mahir Sehgal and Mihir Sehgal. Mahir was very calm baby, he slept after his stomach was full. But Mihir wasn't in a mood to sleep, so Andy had to carry him out after Sumi too slept.

As Andy walked out he spotted Alek. Alek informed him how Rohini behaved when she was told about her miscarriage. The Doctor had to give sedatives to calm her down.

Rohini woke up again with in an hour and saw just a nurse in her room. She ran out in search of her Baby. She saw Alek with a Baby in his hand. Immediately she took the Baby from Alek and held the baby against her chest and cried out of happiness.

Thinking Mihir to be her Baby she took him with her and went back to the room. Andy and Alek shared a worried look and moved towards the Doctor's cabin.

The Doctor suggested Alek to adopt the Baby. If not there could be an adverse effect on her mind.

Even though it was a difficult decision, Andy agreed to it. It was decided to hide this information from Sumi. Not because she wouldn't agree but because Rohini would get to know the truth by seeing Mahir.

So Andy lied to Sumi about Mihir and even about his fight with Alek. Alek and Rohini along with Mihir who was named as Krish by Rohini, moved to Pune.

Andy and Alek were in contact but this wasn't known to their families.

When Mihir was 6 years, Alek with his family were going to Delhi but unfortunately the train they were travelling, met with an accident. Andy was informed by Alek's brother that about the same.

Everyone concluded that the Mihir was no more because, they had found a boy's body with Alek and Rohini whose face was burnt.

I also thought that Mihir wasn't alive until Shravani spoke about Raghbir... I guessed that maybe he survived the accident and now his name was Raghbir... So I hired a PI to investigate further...

But what about Abeer??? Mahir asked after Andy finished telling everything.

Now Mihir spoke about how he had gotten down the train by mistake and him being a CBI Officer and his undercover operation with different names.

Where had you been from the past few days??? What happened to you??? Zoya asked.

Shaan's most trusted friend saw Mahir giving a pen-drive Bela on 28th May... So they thought I was leaking their information which actually I was doing... But they thought that my Girlfriend is involved in this too... Mihir explained.

So they tortured you to speak out about me... Shravani asked shocked.

Yes... Firstly I didn't understand that when we were in the ro... I mean restaurant how did they spot us in the park... But still I didn't reveal anything about you let only your name... Mihir hoped that none caught his slip of tongue.

But the expression of his friends told that they noticed it.

What about Shaan??? Is he arrested??? Mahir asked.

No one messes with Krish well Mihir and walk away that easily... Ajit informed.

Means??? Kuhu asked.

Shaan is dead... Vatty stated.

You killed him??? Shravani questioned Mihir.

Hmmm yes... Mihir smiled sheepishly.

After a very emotional reunion of Mihir with his family. Sharma's offered Sehgal's to have dinner.

Mahir blatantly refused to stay any further and he walked out of Sharma House, saying he would return late.


Mihir had been reluctant in going to Sehgal House and so all suggested him to stay back in Sharma House.

Even though he was given a room, he went back to Shravani's room once everyone retired to their rooms.


I feel that I need to say everything to you once... Mihir spoke up after a while.

ShraHir were sitting on the bed cuddling.

How long had you known about the Baby??? Mihir asked hesitantly.

Tears welled up in Shravani's eyes, thinking about their Baby.

Remember on 28th May night after making love you, you stated that it was the first time we used protection unlike the other two times when we were too desperate too think about it... Shravani spoke up after composing herself.

Hmmm... Mihir tightened his hold on Shravani and kissed her forehead.

That time I didn't think about it... In the morning I realised that I missed my monthly cycle and connecting the both, I got tested... Only to get to know that I'm pregnant...

I was shocked but it soon turned to happiness... I wanted to tell you... But your phone was switched off and then after a few days I saw Mahir with Bela...

Shravani filled in everything that happened to Mihir. Even though Mihir knew everything, he was quietly listened to everything as he knew it was better for Shravani to say everything out rather than keeping it inside.


I know that it was a bit boring with no BeHir scenes.
But soon many BeHir flashbacks are gonna come.

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