Chapter 17

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I'm still not in a condition to resume my work... Shravani got a call from her Senior Doctor to enquire about her health.

That's fine Sweetie... Take rest... It's just that one of your patient didn't agree to be checked by another Doctor and enquired when you'll be back to work... The elderly lady advised and explained about the patient's weird demand.

Oh... But even if I agree to come to the Hospital for an hour my family won't agree... Shravani replied thinking about the rules and restrictions she has to abide.

I'll have a personal talk with that patient tomorrow... I think you need to sleep now... Good night Sweetie... Shravani too wished her a night.

But didn't sleep even for the next one hour as she was busily talking to Mihir. Even though they were together until the evening, they missed each other.


I miss you so much... Mihir heard as he was about to enter Mahir's room.

If you miss her so much then why don't you forgive her Mahir Bro??? Mihir questioned.

Firstly Mahir was startled hearing Mihir at this time of night and he regretted voicing out his feelings loudly.

Mahir??? Mihir called out as Mahir sat silently for a few minutes.

I don't know if I'll be able to forget it with time and maybe I might even forgive her... But I'm damn sure I can't do it just now... I need time... Mahir explained his point of view.

Time is the best healer... I'm sure you'll look past Bela's mistake and see her Love for you soon... Mihir patted Mahir's shoulder and walked out of his room.


8th June 2018

What's your name Ms. Beautiful??? Mahir felt like throttling his new Investor the moment he heard him flirt with Bela.

Bela Sharma... Bela replied with a forced small smile.

Oh wow!!! Bella... I guessed it right... Ms. Beautiful!!! Bela didn't reply as her focus was just on Mahir.

Shall we began with the presentation??? Mahir asked calmly but his voice was evidently raged.

Oh sure Mr. Sehgal... Mahir gestured Bela to start with the presentation.

After Bela, two more employees explained about the different aspects of the presentation. Finally Mahir concluded the presentation.

I'm surely into this deal Mr. Sehgal... Mahir for the first time wasn't happy with getting into a deal.

He was still in half mind about the deal and so he replied formally.

I would like to go through the terms and conditions of our contract before taking the decision... Mahir stated.

Bela was actually glad to see the Possessive Mahir back. She knew that he wasn't pleased with the Investor flirting with her and about his statement she knew that it wasn't gonna be a yes from his side.

BeHir & ShraHir FF : A Twisted Tale Of The Broken Hearts (Completed) Where stories live. Discover now