Chapter 4 Lost with nothing left

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*End's view*

As the glass of the cage cracks above us my mind explodes with thoughts. What am I going to do?

Looking down at Andrew's limp body a plan formed in my mind. Since I was in hybrid form I could grab him and use my wings to push us to the surface. Before I had anytime to think about a another plan I herd the glass break above me.

Grabbing Andrew's body I toke one last breath of air before I push myself into the water. I started kicking to help get somewhat of a head start but quickly let out my wings and started flapping them frantically.

At first I we making good progress, but my flaps got weaker as I ran out of air. Looking up I saw the of this endless void of blue. Black dots clouded my vision, I could give up now we were so close. My vision was almost filled with black dots so as a last resort I pushed Andrew's body up to the surface and weakly kicked as my vision went black.

Our body's were now probably floating on the surface dead. Dead but not alone.

*Deadlox's view*

Sky and I ran into the forest after escaping from the squids.

"What now." Sky said.

"We should had back and get some more people." I said thinking about End. She was my daughter, and I was not loosing her again.

Sky and I ran back to his castle. I sat in the living room thinking of a plan while Sky got the others.

I could barely think. What happened to End and Andrew?

Well I can tell you something. Said the enderdragon.

I thought that I blocked you. I said back.

No it's not that its just that your no fun, unlike your daughter.

Ok then, what do you what to say?

Well I'm here to say that the last thing I heard her say is this " our body's were now probably floating on the surface dead. Dead but not alone."

Your lying! I said my eyes watering.

Sure say what you need but you can't change the past

Then one of Sky's recruits came out to me. Quickly wiping the tears out of my eyes I looked to see what they wanted.

"Sir there's someone standing in front of the gate saying that there name is Ellie." She said.

This leafed my hopes. Could it be my daughter and the enderdragon was truly lying?

I went over to the main gate and saw a girl standing there with brown long hair and also wearing an enderman hoodie and some jeans.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Ellie." She said smiling.

Was this some kind of joke? She can just walk up and say that she is my daughter.

"Recruits." I said angrily at to two. "Take her the the cells."

"Why?" One of them asked.

"For thinking that I would be foolish enough to think that she is my daughter." I snapped.

She looked shocked as the two recruits toke her to the cells.

Wow. Said the dragon shocked.

What! I snapped.

Are sure that you aren't evil because that was harsh.

Says the one that takes control of other people's body's and makes them kill millions of people.

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