Chapter 5 never break the four wall herobrine

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Happy almost thanksgiving guys!!!! Now on with tha stora

*Deadlox's view*

As I walked back into the castle Sky stopped me.

"What happened." He said.

"Some girl thought I was stupid enough to think that she was End...." I said.

"No," Sky said. "What happened after that."

"Hmm?" I said.

"You started talking to yourself Ty." He said.

You should tell him.

"Why is that." I said out loud.

Well maybe A he's your best friend and B your starting to look insane.

I looked over at Sky who was giving me a wired look.

"Ok I'll tell you." I said sighing. "Remember the whole Enderlox story thing?"

"Yeah." He said.

"Well let's just say that he never left me." I said letting myself change into hybrid form.

"Woah, Ty." He started but I interrupted.

"Yeah I know, I'm a monster and I should leave before I kill anyone." I said changing back.

"No," Sky said. "I'm not saying that I'm saying that, thats actually really cool!"

"Guys." Jason said walking into the room. "Sorry if I'm interrupting any thing but the girl you just arrested is damaging to speck to you two."

*That girl from before's view*

As the guards lead me to a room that I could talk to Sky and Deadlox I smiled. I finally got to explain why I came here, why I escaped to here.

I sat in the cair for a while waiting for them, when they finally came.

"Ok then." Sky said. "Why did you want us."

I thought for a moment, here goes nothing.

"I wanted to talk to you two because I never really got to explain why I was coming here." I said as calmly as I could. "See I came here not to pretend that I'm Deadlox's daughter, but to run away from my parents."

"Explain." He said.

"See my name isn't Ellie." I said, am I really about to do this?

"What is your name then?" Deadlox said.

"You see my name is, I'm really called." I started but I couldn't get the words out. Taking a deep breath I finally managed to get them out. "My real name is Enderbrine." I told of the enderman hoodie showing my wings and tail, my eyes as they normally did started glowing.

"Who were your parents." Deadlox said.

"My parents," I said, well if I got this far I couldn't stop. "My parents are Herobrine and the Enderdragon....." They both looked at me, there mouths gapping open, that's went it all came out.

"I ran because they wanted to make me evil, but I don't want to be." I said starting to cry. "and this was the first place that I thought would be safe."

"Don't worry." Deadlox said smiling. "This place is safe."

*Andrew's view*

I woke up in a cell, only this one seemed familiar. Instinctively I looked around for End, I couldn't lose her, never. Looking around I saw that the cell was like the one Herobrine put me in, wait that only mention one thing.

"And yes that one thing is true." Herobrine said turning one of the walls to look like a normal cell wall.

"WERES END!!!" I yelled thinking about all the things he could of done to her.

"Don't worry she's fine." Ge said snapping his fingers which made the wall across from me turn into steels bars. Looking I saw End passed out on the floor.

"Why did you take us here?" I asked now a bit calmer knowing that End is safe.

"Well Sliver doesn't want you two to die now...." He started but got slammed into the wall behind him.

"Don't break the fourth wall Herobrine." Boomed a voice from somewhere.

"Ok then...." He said getting back up. "Because you never did what I told you too do boy."

"Well you could of told me to do that without taking me and End, or you could of teleported me here." I said sighing.

"Or I could of taken over your body and kill you little girlfriend." He said smiling.

"Ok fine I'll do your stupid job, but can you please like teleport End and I out of here or let us go because it's pretty hard to do it with us being stuck in cells." I said.

"Or you could do it." He said leaving the room.

"Ugh." I said loudly but got no reply. I looked back at End's cell, she was very pale and looked like she was just in a near death experience.

I teleported over to her cell, surprised that I still knew how and picked her up bridle style.

"You know that your the most beautiful girl I've ever seen right?" I whispered to her remembering how back before I meet her every girl my age did everything to try to impress me. and that was all because I was Sky's kid and one day would be leader of Sky Army. ((A/N let's not think about that))

I then teleported us to the one place I could think of first, The place that Rouge, Brandon, and I found the end portal.

"Even though I have to do this stupid job from Herobrine, protecting you will always be my first." I whispered kissing her.

Wait so your a girl?

Why is this now so important?

Well because in the book.....

You know that ppl are reading this right?

Oh yeah.... Sorry about that guys but yeah some nice stuff like the new character Enderbrine came in this chapter!!! And yeah, she yeah guys soon!!!

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