Chapter 11 Killing myself

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*Andrew's view*

As that girl kissed me many alarms went off in my head. I has no clue what to do, some girl and her friend ( who apparently wrote everything that has ever happened ) who I was going to ask to help me get the girl in casing so that I could get End back!

Looking at the girls face I saw something that made me think of End, her eyes looked just like hers.

When she finally pulled away I felted mixed emotions about it all. Some of me hoped that it would never happen again, the other wanted it to.

"I'm sorry." She said looking at the ground. "Its just that I've always had a little crush on you."

(A/N you know I think that I just made a time paradox happen)

"That's ok." I said smiling.

"Ok." She said. "Now what was it that you wanted us to do."

*Sliver's view*

Sitting around waiting for Ella and Andrew to get back from what ever they were doing something crossed my mind. I can be in this world.

If I'm in this world then there would be no one to continue it.

That's true

Saleos I need you to do something.


It involves killing.

Let me guess, kill you

A simple smile had formed on my lips.

Make it slow and painful.


Suddenly a sharp pain like I was shot echoed though my body. Letting out a loud scream as I fell from my feet on to the cold ground.

*Ella's view*

Andrew and I ran to the source of the scream making me tear up as I saw that it was Sliver.

She lied on the ground near death with a bolt hole in her chest. Running over to her I saw that she was trying to tell me something.

"Sliver?" I said weakly.

"Hey." She said trying her best to smile.

"What happened?" I asked.

"That doesn't matter, what does matter is that it will all continue." She said.

I almost screamed as I saw her ice blue eyes fade. My only friend was dead.

*Sliver's view*

I opened my eyes to Saleos standing in front of me.

"Good job." I said.

Saleos simply smiled evilly and stabbed me in the chest with a knife.

I smiled. "Looks like someone's going back to my head."

Saleos's smile turned to a look of fear as it started fading.

"But he said that if I killed you I would be free." Saleos said.

"Don't you get it." I said. "I AM YOU!"

The last thing I heard before my vision faded was her screaming as she went back into my head.

And we went back to the 'real world'.

Saleos and Sliver can't be in there human form in the same place. The only place they can is the world the separates our world from minecraft. The Gods make sure of that.

Btw its Silver not Sliver.

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