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I did not expect to have such a hectic schedule today. And this day could not get any worse. First off, I woke up later than intended luckily I was still able to make it in time at the shoot. Next, the aura of the people when I had arrived seemed off, everyone was all over the place. All the events had made quite dizzy. As soon as I had arrived on my tent, my manager too was moving one place to another.

"Yah! Nayeon - ah what are you doing?"

"Jennie sshi everything is not going as planned! Mr. Yang was beyond pissed to know that the production recently just had major changes in the team which was not mentioned in the contract."

"Wait a minute. What changes of team do you mean? I thought the production team was all set?"

"They backed out due to production differences."

"You know that is bullshit right?!" I grumpily stated.

"You know we don't have a choice either way Jen. So all we need is to wait until they have confirmed a new production team which means you would surely work with a new director." I groaned upon hearing Nayeon's explanation knowing it would be another adjustment period for me if I work with a new director.

One of the reason why the recent one and I had usual disagreements because he approached the original plot way off to what was supposed to be shown. Honestly, if they wanted to change the team, they should have done so earlier not when we are halfway through the filming process.

"Everyone in set please the new director is coming. She would like to meet everyone!" She, so the new director is a woman. Interesting, it would be a first to work with a female director.

Everyone settled in a circle formation awaiting the entrance of our supposed savior for this long pending project. Not lon after, a blonde female came striding towards the center.

It was long for me to take in who the person was. It was until my eyes settled on her dark doe eyes that gleamed at everyone. 'Lisa'

She looked at everyone until her gaze settled on mine. She gave me a small smile and began her introduction.

"Good morning everyone. I am Lalisa Manoban but please do call me Lisa. I will be your new director for this film. So to say, I have seen the clips that have been filmed and honestly." She paused and looked at everyone. "It was a disappointmen. The way it was filmed will not sell in the market. I hope you would all agree to me if we would refilm the crucial clips for the movie as it would be for our own benefit. That is also one of the reason why the previous team was terminated as the producer and script writer was not confident it would do any good. I hope you would trust me in handling this project. Let us work and take good care of each other."

No one protested to the things she said. It was because everyone who is here agrees that the works we have done was quite shitty.

Great this would be one hell of a busy week.

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