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We are down to our last three shooting days. And it was quite sad to not see these people in the coming days. I must admit this is one of the production set and cast that I would truly cherish. I sighed knowing that even though I do not want this to end I know we need to finish the shoot so we could present the movie to the fans.

"That was quite a deep sigh you got there." Turning, I saw Lisa who smiled as she approached. "What thoughts are you having jusy now?"

"I have been thinking the we are near the end of all of this and it just feels surreal you know?" She just nodded as if understanding my sentiments.

"And I must say I did not regret one bit accepting this project because I was given the opportunity to direct a stellar cast. I have met good people in the industry more specifically thanking the heavens for giving me the opportunity to meet you and get to know you better." After hearing her words my heart was beating eratically. I can feel my cheeks heat up.

"Jennie." She called and I slowly faced her. She went closer to me and held my hand as she caressed it with her thumb. "I have a favor to ask you. I hope you would heed to my request."

"As long as it is legal." I jested but her face was dead serious which made me feel suddenly nervous.

"Ever since I saw you at the party, you always come to mind. And how is it possible that I am also directing the movie that you star in, I have been strictly professional all these time but please allow me to court you. Will you ?"

I truly was surprised to have heard that from Lisa. I did not expect that she had this feeling towards me.

It took me long enough to process everything that had been said. Until she suddenly spoke once again.

"You don't have to answer now Jen. I'll ask you  once again after all of this is done. I hope by then you would have an answer." And with that she left.

I honestly do not know how to deal with this. I am not good with handling profession of love. I cannot deny the fact that I am attracted to Lisa. But I also had a promise to myself to never commit to someone in the industry specifically not the directors.

Being an actress also means the controversies that comes with it. And I do not know if I can handle a public scandal once again.

I decided to call the person that I had always confided with especially when I feel that I have a huge problem ahead.

Ring Ring


"Jennie you called. Anything wrong?"

"Are you free? Can we grab lunch together?"

"Lucky for you missy I am near your production area. I'll be there in ten."

"Thank you Irene unnie."

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