Sudden Interruption

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Before the trio could think about heading off to the Tavern, they nearly get thrown off their feet as explosions rock the docks.

"What the?!" The commander shouts as he and the battleships head out to the docks, where a familiar green eyed battleship awaits them.

"Good, I finally got your attention." Pennsylvania says.

"What do you want?" The commander asks. "You could have simply let someone here know you were around."

"Well the Eagle Union doesn't play like that." Pennsylvania replies. "I'm here to take you down."

"Says you and what army?" The commander laughs, but his laughter suddenly dies down when he sees another battleship emerge from behind Pennsylvania. She shares the same brunette hair as Pennsylvania but she has aquamarine eyes.

"Sis... W-Why'd you bring me out here?" the battleship asks.

"Because you can pack a real punch." Pennsylvania chuckles. "Come on Arizona, I'll protect you." And with that the battleship known as Arizona emerges, and whatever fear she had was washed away and replaced with a somewhat more stoic look as she stands tall and crosses her arms. "We're the Pennsylvania class battleships, and even though my sister here hasn't seen much battle, I'm pretty sure she's more than a match for you guys."

"That's a lot of talking for someone who got sunk like Hood." Bismarck chuckles.

"I... I will not let you slander me like that!" Arizona shouts as she fires off her cannons, and the Ironblood battleships dodge.

"Ooh, sounds like you really touched a nerve there." The commander chuckles. "I certainly haven't forgotten about you either Pennsylvania! This time it's personal!" He shouts as he and Bismarck take to the waters. "You get Arizona, I'll take on old falling apart over here."

"I'd like to see you try." Pennsylvania snickers as she fires off her cannons and the commander retaliates. It's not long before the other Ironbloods gather around to witness the battle.

"You two just HAD to come along and ruin our date, didn't you?" Bismarck asks as she and Arizona trade salvos.

"If we weren't enemies then this wouldn't be a problem, but no you and the Sakura Empire just HAD to betray us!" Arizona shouts with newfound anger.

"I never thought you could get this angry!" Bismarck chuckles. "This just makes it all the better!"

"Is that the best you've got?! Take THIS!" Pennsylvania shouts, and Bismarck and Arizona stop fighting to see Pennsylvania firing off her cannons with unnatural speed.

"This was what knocked out the commander..." Bismarck mumbles to herself as the commander does his best to dodge her shots. Eventually Pennsylvania lets up before she fries her barrels and the commander charges forward before slapping the Eagle Union battleship across the face.

"Ow!" Pennsylvania yelps, tenderly rubbing her cheek where the commander slapped her. "Did you just hit a girl?!"

"That was for knocking me out." The commander says with a smug look on his face.

"I oughta wipe that smug grin right off your face!" Pennsylvania yells, but before she can do anything the jaws start snapping, and the battleship takes a step back to avoid losing an arm. "Or... I'm just gonna leave... Geez those things are scary!"

"Remember the lasers that crippled Enterprise and Hornet?" The commander asks. "I was the one that fired them. I think it'd be best that you retreat before I give you a personal taste." Pennsylvania quickly heeds his words as she and Arizona scamper off like frightened dogs.

"At least that deals with them." The commander says as he and Bismarck head back to the docks.

"I still can't believe you slapped her." Bismarck chuckles.

"I guess that was just the first thing that came to my mind." The commander chuckles back. "Now, shall we return to the tavern?"

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