Chapter 28:!!!!!!!!!

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You were laying in bed all nice and comfy enjoying watching TV while the boys were upstairs working on some things.

It's been a few couple of months being pregnant and you were very close now, and very excited.

As you watch your shows, you suddenly feel something running down your legs as you look down feeling your blood run cold.

Your water broke......


You're suddenly hit with a flow of pain making you cry out in pain as you hear rushing footsteps all at once as you see the boys looking panicked as hell.

"Don't worry Y/n-ah!!! We're gonna get you to the hospital!!" Hoseok yelled panicky while picking you up very gently as the others grab some important things and rush out to the car as Jin is driving with Namjoon in the passenger seat, with the others with you in the back trying to help calm you down as you moan in pain squeezing Yoongi's hand as he tries purring to help calm you down making Jimin do the same.

Jin backs out and races off towards the hospital as all of them grow anxious hearing how much pain you're in.


Once arriving, Hoseok carries you in quickly with the others following as he pushes past some people up to the front counter, "Hey Hey!! Help us out please!!! She's about to give birth!!!"

Nurses immediately get out and start helping as Hoseok silently growls at them from taking you away but knows they'll help you as one doctor walks up to them, "I'm sorry, but I'll need you all to stay in the waiting room until she's ready to be seen. "

They all grill a bit as the doctor backs away a bit and does so even more when seeing Namjoon's intense gaze, Namjoon huffs before going towards the chairs along with the others as the son down but Namjoon keeps walking back and forth making his instincts kick in on having to protect you as Jin tries calming him down.

"Easy Namjoon, she'll be alright, we'll get to see her soon" Jin reassures as Namjoon just nods still pacing around.

The door then opens making the others stand up as well as the female Doctor eyes them suspiciously, "Who's the father?"

Jin nudges Namjoon forward as he steps toward the nurse, "I am" He says glaring daggers at her as he heard the venom in her voice as she rolls her eyes leading him to you as the boys secretly follow them both.

Once she leads him to the room you're in, he walks in as she walks away while the others rush in as well immediately going to you as you give them a tired smile petting them as the melt into your touch.

Time ticks by slowly as you suddenly feel pain go through you again as you gasp from it making the boys into a full on protective mode, doesn't help that they're even the most strongest alpha of their animal.

A doctor with two more rush in a the boys immediately turn to them snarling loudly as they gulp but still stand their ground, "Everyone please, I need you to get out so we can help her!"

"I-ill be alright b-boys" You stutter out due to the pain as they all glance at you then back at the doctor's as they growl lowly,

"You better take care of her"

They all say at the same time sending chills down the doctor's backs as they walk out, "Alrighty miss, let's get this done hm?" The doctor gives you a small smile as you nod.


The doctors were smart enough to lock the door because as soon as you were giving birth, your cries were all that could be heard as they kept kitting and scratching the door, their instincts were going crazy.

But they stopped when they heard two different other kinds of cries, their babies.

The door soon opens as they rush in seeing you holding their precious babies in your arms, they were beautiful...

The boy's lil calico bunny ears perked up as he slowly opened his eyes as they're a nice sparkling golden wolf color as one of his wings are macaw colored with some brown like tae's with a bit color from Hoseok, the other one all black, with his wolf tail being white and brown.

The girl opens her eyes as well as they're a piercing ocean green color with brown. Her two tails having mixed colors of a calico along with little spots of red and blue. One of her little ears white with black and spots of brown. 

The doctors gasp at their coloration as they look at you all, "You all mated with her... They're a new species!! We could test to see-" the Doctor doesn't get to finish as Namjoon and the others snarl at them,

"You are not testing on them"

They quickly nod rushing out to give y'all privacy as they both giggle reaching out to each of y'all as you get kisses from all of them, this was you're family... 💜💙


ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᴵˢ ᴺᴼᵀ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴱᴺᴰ ᴹᴵᴺᴵˢ ᴰᴼᴺ'ᵀ ᵂᴼᴿᴿᵞ!!!

ᴮᵁᵀ ᴵ ᴴᴼᴾᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴱᴺᴶᴼᵞᴱᴰ ᵀᴴᴵˢ ᶜᴴᴬᴾᵀᴱᴿ!!!

ᴵ ᴸᴼᵛᴱ ᵞᴼᵁ ᴬᴸᴸ!! 💜💙💜💙🤗

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