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The grass is always greener on the other side. No matter what you do, where you do it or who you do it with, there is always something better. A million dollars, a big house and a busty wife seems nice until you meet someone with two million, a bigger house and a wife who's breasts are huge and real. That's just how it goes.

Except in her case, the grass was dead on the other side of the fence. Literally. Leah Edenwood took pride in her yard and she had to admit it was one of the best looking lawns on her street. Her neighbor on the other hand, an elderly woman with long brown hair she always wore in a single braid down her back, didn't put much effort into her yard. It was damaged and stained by the sun and lack of watering. The growth had risen up and began to reach over the walkway heading to the porch.

The old woman Fawn, was there as usual content on a rugged chair, reading a book through lightly rimmed glasses. She peeked up and waved before returning to her book. Leah waved back and marched up to her porch, leaning her rake against the pale siding of her home before stepping inside. The grass is greener, she thought, but it could always be better.

She could not live alone with a dog being the closest thing to a roommate. She could not drown herself in snacks every night to get by. But something would change soon. She could feel it in her gut.


The loud ring of the house phone whined throughout the den startling Leah from her nap. She jumped up, dropping her book onto the floor and raced to the kitchen. With her heart still spooked she answered out of breath, "Hello?"

"Oh there you are!"

The sarcastic voice of her best friend Alice bounced into her ear, "Were you napping?" Leah exhaled and held her chest, "I dozed off reading. Why are you calling the land line?"

"Because you weren't answering your cell. Duh."

"I didn't even hear it." She rarely slept through her ring tone, and of course when she did it was the fuel to her best friend's sarcastic fire. She twirled the cord in her fingers, peering at her kitchen clock.

"Well its a good thing it wasn't important."

"Thank God."

"I mean I could've been running from a killer!"

"Yes, I know."

"Or a bear!"

Leah swatted in the air, annoyance stroking at her, "Alice, did you need something?"

"Well the stove at my place is broken and I can't get a repair man out until Monday so I was wondering if I could come by for dinner. You're cooking right?"

She wasn't planning on it. It was more of a tea and takeout kind of night for her. Alice loved her cooking and she tried her best to be a good host whenever possible. Although her friend was never quite known for cooking for herself, Leah caved as usual, "Sure."

"Yes! I'll be there this evening. See ya!"

The line clicked and Leah rest the phone in its cradle once again peering at her clock. A round white face glanced back, red second hand rounding the black numbers. It was only a bit after noon, there was some time to kill. She tapped her fingers on the classic granite counter, trying to come up with something to do. It was her day off and she hadn't done much. She was actually enjoying the downtime.

Her jade eyes zoned in on her fallen book's before she strolled over and picked it up. Running her fingers against the pages she closed the book gently. The paper felt like silk and yet... "Ouch!" It cut like a razor.

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