Chapte One - Cherry Pie

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It was your average day here in LA. The sun burned bright, and the ice melted fast. The sunlight that seeped through the thin curtains woke Jacob up. He squinted his eyes as he awoke. He turned to his left to see his sleeping sister Katie. With a rub of the eyes, he slowly sat up. Jacob is not a morning person. He let out a breath thinking to himself, he didn't want to push through another day. He got up and checked his old busted phone. It is at one pm. He let Katie sleep for a bit longer, as they had stayed up all night, listening in on the bickering of their parents. When Jacob walked out, the smell of something delicious entered his nose.

"What are you making?" He said groggily. His mother who is at the stove turned around, to reveal Jacob and his messy black hair and sleepy blue eyes. "Your favorite, meatloaf" he squealed in excitement. They haven't had meatloaf in ages, and it is his favorite dish. "I just put it on the oven so it will be out in about hmm, an hour or so". Jacob slightly pouted, "Alright I'll go wake Katie up then" he said as he walks back to their room. You see Jacob a Katie share a room, as the apartment they are at, only has two rooms.

It is a small apartment but still comfortable for a family of four. With a light touch, Katie wakes up in a panic. She started gasping , and tears started to appear in her eyes. "Its just me" Jacob said in a concerned tone. Her wide panicked eyes, slowly turned into her normal soft light blue ones. "Mom is making meatloaf, it will be out in an hour or so" Katie  nodded. For practically her whole life, she has never spoke. Her mother suspected she was going deaf, but the doctor's said she is fine. Maybe Its just a phase?

Jacob walked into the bathroom, he look at himself though the mirror. 'I look tired' he thought. He hopped in the shower, with a soap bar in his hand, he slid it across his muscular body. His stomach has a slightly defined six pack, through his arms are not bulky, you can still see muscles even without him flexing. He has pretty thic thighs from all the running around he likes to do. Finished with the shower, he dried off and dressed himself in a torn green flannel, and black joggers.

A loud 'ding' was heard through out they house. Lunch is finally  ready. Katie and Jacob rushed to kitchen. Jacob helped set the plates out as well as place the bowl full of salad. They all served  themselves, and had a joyfully lunch. Jacob sat back in his chair full from the scrumptious food. "Hm, you know what I haven't  had in a long time? Cherry pie" Mrs. Wilson randomly blured out. Jacob chuckled "There's a bakery, a block away" He raised his eyebrow. A once sleepy Katie shot right up at the thought of pie. "Hm, so thats a yes?" Jacob playfuly stated. Katied nodded. He grabbed his phone, and some cash, then put on some sneakers.

"Wanna go for the walk?" Jacob asked Katie. She one again nodded. "I'll  be back ma" "Okay, stay safe" she replied. They walked out the door and immediately felt the raiding heat. For a second Jacob regretted heading out. Then again, he also wanted cherry pie. They hesitantly walked out of the shade to begin there journey to delivering the delicious pie. They walked hand in hand, like usual the streets are loud and busy. What would've been a seven minute walk, turned into a fifteen minute walk.

They finally arived. The cool air hit there faces as soom as the door opened. The smell of bread filled the air. They looked around for a moment, and spoted a cherry pie, it was the last one left. The crust is a golden brown with, a criss cross pattern on it, there also seemed to be some sort of wiped cream on it. Suddenly, for what ever reason, Jacob got the feeling of dread, He shook this shoulders. He looked down to Katie to see her already looking back at him. It was a weird thing to experience, but he just passes it off as nothing.

"Ah excuse me, I'll take this one"

"M'Cherry pie, that one is very  popular, you should try it with vanilla icecream" The girl behind the counter said with a soft smile. She delicately lifed the pie out of the counter and placed it in a light pink box. "Is that all?" "Yes" Jacob replied. She tucked her dark blond hair behind  her ear as she walked to the register.

"M'that'll be seven-twenty-five" Jacob reached in his pocket, he took out a five dollar bill as well as two ones. Before he even looked for coins, Katie had her hand out toward  the counter. In it was a quarter. "Thank you" the girl smiled brightly. One finished, putting  the money in the register, the handed the box to jacob. "See ya again" Jacob and Katie gave her a big smile before they headed  back home. Another fifteen minutes, and they were home. That same dreded feeling  came back. Jacob noticed his fathers car parked in the space on front of the door.

Jacob reluctantly opened the door. The smell of metal raped his nose. "Just wait here" he said to Katie  giving  her the box. In the kitchen, there is a broken plate on the floor. With his guard up, he slowly walked to the hallway as quietly  as he could. He noticed a trail of red liquid from his parents room to his. Preparing for the worst, he slamed opened the door to his room. No amount of preparing Jacob could have done, helped him from what he saw.

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