Chapter eleven

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The day came, its finally Jacob's birthday. But also the day of his father's court hearing. Jacob but on a button-up with some random jeans, and head out with Mr. Porter. They headed to an old building and inside was, seats before a wooden fence. Behind the fence is a stands where the judge and the defendants sit.

They both sat in one of the seats, from there they can see Mr. Wilson with his attorney. From there you can also see Katie's social worker. There was also a few other people witch Jacob recognized, that's his grandmother. She looked supprised when she saw him, but she of course gave him a dirty look. That side of the family hated, his mother's side.

Looks like she notified some people that she is sitting with because at once they all looked back at jacob. Jacob rolled his eyes as he tried to ignore them. A few minutes passed by before they started the judge went over the the clear evidence, while Mr. Wilson's attorney tried to deny all of it. It was useless though it was white clear who murdered Rose.

They went back and forth for about thirty minutes, then it's time for the jury to decide. All of them decided that he was indeed guilty. "Bob Willson, has one count of first degree murder and drug possession. He gets life in prison, with no chance of parole." The judge then hit his {hammer thing}. His family started yelling "He didn't do anything wrong" over and over.

Two police officers that have been standing near the door, took the man dressed in orange. Before he could get him through the door he spotted Jacob and Mr. Porter. "You did this, you killed her" Mr. Wilson spat toward them. The police then dragged him behind the doors, while the family looked angry. Jacob looked confused. How was this his fault? 

He looked over to Mr. Porter, and he looked like a deer in headlights. His skin looked so pale. Before Jacob could even ask, his family rushed over. 

"Hmf, and what are you doing here? I never considered you part of the family."

Jacob just rolled his eyes, trying to ignore them. His grandmother looked so mad.

"They put an innocent man in there… you know what she deserve to die for giving birth to something like you."

That was it that was the last straw for Jacob he couldn't ignore them anymore. He tried holding in his anger as best as he could. He stood up from his seat, he towered over her. He looked her straight in the eye, his green orbs filled with anger. Not knowing what to do Mr. Porter also stood up.

"It's really funny you say that. If that's the case then, you deserve to die because you gave birth to something like that. Have a nice life in hell, bitch."

Jacob angrily walked out with his hands in a tight fist form, Mr Porter followed him out. Before he could get to the door Katie social worker stopped him. She saw how angry he is, but decided to still tell him the news. She handed him over a a vanilla envelope.

"This is the paperwork for you to become Katie's guardian. Properly read through it, sign it, and give it back to me when you're done. We could work out when she can go back with you."

Like water to fire his anger quickly disappeared. He skimmed through the papers. He went over how he had to be the financial provider and other stuff like that. General things a parent would do. He signed it without a question.

"The papers need a few days to process so I'm unsure when she can go back with you. When she does there's going to be checkups with CPS to make sure that you are able to provide for her."

Jacob nodded his head taking in what she had to say.

"When things are going to wrap up I'll go ahead and give you a call"

They shook each other's hands and left. Jacob smiles to himself because he knew he can reunite with Katie again. While walking to the car and he looked at Mr. Porter. He seemed awfully depressed. Jacob was a bit confused why did Mr. Porter look so depressed if the court hearing went well?

Jacob began to get a little suspicious of Mr. Porter. They drove all the way back to the house. Before they opened the door Jacob wanted to ask Mr. Porter why he was acting off. But before he could do that Mr. Porter swung the door open. The house was dark, which was not normal that usually kept all the lights on. All of a sudden a crowd of people yelled


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