Chapter Three - Shiver

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From what Jacob could tell, there seemed to be no one else in the building. He sat on the bench, opposite of the silver water hole. With all the nerves and the coldness of the building, Jacob began to shiver. He lifted his shirt to reveal a two-inch cut. It didn't look deep, but it hurt, but not as bad as his bleeding fists. What seemed like forever in this desolate building, two nurses showed up, along with a police officer. They began to inspect his wound. They applied some disinfectant, in which Jacob responded with a wince, one of the nurses gave him a sympathetic look, while the other just ignored him.

The nurse then gave him an antibiotic pill, which they made sure he swallowed. All most finished, they then wrapped his torso in a bandage, making sure it is tight, but not too restricting. While they were there they also too time to do a physical exam. They needed to do this because Jacob is still a minor, and because of the history of the father. Other than bruises and a few cuts, from the scuffle earlier, He is fine.

"Looks like the stab wound missed a main arterie, any closer and you would have probably bled to death." The nurse stated,  the other one gave some papers to the police officer. "Change the dressing regularly and if you notice something unusual, like excess bleeding or discoloration go to the hospital. If you are in pain you can take over the counter pain killer." Jacob nodded, overwhelmed with information. The nurses then headed out. "You're coming with me" the officer announced. Without a work Jacob nervously stood up and followed the officer. They both went through the door behind the desk.

 It was another hallway. The officer led Jacob into the first room on the right. It was a small room with nothing but a two chairs, a table and a lamp hanging from the sealing, there is a mirror on the left side wall. Jacob sat on the chair closest to the wall. "I'm officer Rodriguez" "Your not in trouble" Rodriguez added as he saw the worried look on Jacobs face. "I just need you to answer a few questions." He began to ask Jacob all sorts of things like 'what happened? Where were you? Has your father always been like this?' Jacob answered truthfully, in a monotone voice. 

The whole time the officer was briefly writhing down Jacobs answers in his note pad.  When officer Rodriguez felt that he had enough answers, he stopped asking. He glanced to Jacob's bloodied fists. "What about my sister, Katie"  "She's..." the officer hesitated. "Fine for right now, you're free to go" He changed the subject. "W-wait, where is she?" Jacob asked desperately. "Listen kid, she will be staying with CPS for now, she is safe. That's all I can tell you." Changing the subject officer Rodriguez said. " Your father's Court date will he held on August 30, Jacob birthday.

Before Jacob could even ask any more questions, the officer left, leaving Jacob alone in the dim room. Not knowing what to do Jacob stood up and exited the room. He walked out the same way he came in. He had no idea where he is at, He didn't even have a phone. While walking down the street, he eventually found a familiar spot. Not knowing where else to go, he decided on going back to the apartment. Of course, he did not want to go back there, but he had no choice.

The sun was starting to set, and this part of the city is dangerous at night, especially if you are alone. Jacob started to power walk north, in about thirty minutes he arrived. He stood face first to the door. There is yellow police tape across it, but the apartment seemed empty. Jacob reluctantly turned the knob, it opened. He turned on the lights. Its messy,  things were thrown everywhere. He sat on the couch and just cried. They raced across his hot check and on onto the fluffy brown couch.

Years of pain came down. Not knowing how to control his emotions, anger filled him again. He kicked the TV off the flimsy stand. He broke useless decorations, and even through chairs across the room. A throbbing pain finally made him stop, when he made yet another hole in the wall. Jacob groaned in pain as he held onto his hand. He's had enough he just wants the pain to stop.

He marched to the kitchen and scrambled to find any pain killers in the cabinet. Finally he found advil, he took three times more than recommendation dose. He swallow them dry making him gag a bit. He sat back down at the couch succumbed to the sleepiness.

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