Chapter five - risk

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Once again loud knocking woke Jacob up. A sleepy and frustrated Jacob, got out of the makeshift bed and answered the door, it is Mr. porter. Jacobs eyes widen, he felt vulnerable as there was nothing between them. Mr. Porter saw the surprise on Jacob's face. "Um, the funeral is tomorrow." His surprised face turned into an emotionless one. Mr. porter then gave Jacob a large white box. "It's a suit" he added. "It will be held tomorrow at twelve, I can give you a ride if you want. Um Katie will also be there." Jacob perked his head up, "Okay, okay I'll be ready tomorrow." He humped at the chance to see Katie again, even if it was risky going with a stranger.

"Um do you need anything? Uh are you okay?" Jacob tried opening up to Mr. Porter, well because why not? "I'm, I'm fine. Just dealing with everything... would you, like to come in?' the words escaped his lips. He silently cringed. This took Mr. Porter by surprise as Jacob had been so cold towards him. "Sure, sure" He said with uncertainty. Jacob widened the door and stepped out of the way. "Sorry for the mess" "Oh that's quite alright" Mr. Porter said truthfully. They both sat down on the couch.

"So, tell me again, why you want to help me out?"

Mr. Porter nervously scratched behind his head. "I knew your dad, and I know what an ass he is... I heard about what happened, and I sorta knew about your situation and, I don't know. I just want to help out. I know it's strange for some random guy to show up, but truly I just want to help out."

 Jacob thought it was very odd of how obligated he is, but he can hear the sincerity in his voice. Slowly analyzing the words, he thought to himself, He still didn't trust Mr. porter, but right now he is his only hope, until Jacob can get back on his feet. "I don't have a place to stay. The rent is coming up, and I can't afford it, I don't even want to say here." 

"That's fine, I can make room for you and even Katie." he said in a soft tone. Jacob looked at him in his bright blue eyes. At this point he had nothing to lose, fuck it.

Jacob sighed. "Okay, fine." he leaned over to grab his already packed backpack. Mr. Porter gave him a suspicious look.  "I was planing to leave tomorrow, but I guess that's out of the question." Mr. porter slowly nodded his head as if saying 'a-ha'. Jacob pulled the backpack behind him and slipped both arms in the straps. "Now?" 

"If you don't mind that is" Jacob added. " Uh sure" he stood up and reached into his pocket for the keys. Mr. Porter is now uncertain if he is making the right decision. He feels a bit intimidated, first Jacob was acting so cold. Now he's ready to head to his house. He didn't think anything bad of Jacob, just thought his actions were odd. Then again he has gone through a lot. Maybe he's just not in the right mind set.

"You can call me Alex" Mr. Porter said after they exited the door. They walked into the parking lot and Mr. Porter stood near a Porsche ready to push the keys in. "This is, your car?" Jacob asked.

"Mhm" Mr. Porter hummed. He opened the car door, leaving Jacob standing there dumbfounded, he has never seen such an expensive looking car before. He lightly pulled the handle, and carefully sat on the pleaded seats. With a light tug the door closed. Jacob sat stiffly as to try and not break anything. Mr. Porter turned on the radio, to try and ease the tension. It's on the local pop station, they were playing some crappy EDM song. 

He pulled out of the parking space, and headed west. They passed many buildings, until Jacob found a familiar place, they were heading out of town. Jacob's heart began to pump from adrenaline, did he just really get in a car with a stranger? It had been about twenty minutes since they left the apartment, surprisingly they turned into a ritzy neighborhood. Mr. Porter stopped at the gate, and the security guard opened the gate for him. He drove a bit before finally stopping at a Mansion. It's beautiful, looks like it belonged in a movie.

He once again stopped at another gate, with a push of a button the black gate opened. The house has dark gray and light gray brinks covering it. They have a huge green front yard with perfectly trimmed bushes, and sculpted trees. The door way had huge arches leading into the frosted glass door, with white wooden trimmings. Jacobs' mouth unconsciously gaped open. He drove in a bit further, into the parking garage which had four other expensive looking cars. "You- you live here?"

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