Chapter thirteen

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Whoo third chapter today, I'm on a roll. From here on out, I'll be focusing more on Jacob's and Luis's relationship ;)

Jacob open the door without waiting for an answer. There he saw Luis and Troy sitting next to each other on the bed. He could see that Troy had his hand on Lewis's sholder. They both looked towards the door. Jacob could see that Louis's eyes were a bit red and puffy, like he had been crying. 

Before Jacob could say anything Troy gave him a cold glare and said "The fuck do you want?" Jacob was a taken aback why was he being so hostile? Luis placed his hand on Troy's lap. "Its okay"

"Tch, fine" Troy got up and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. 

"Hey, are you okay?" Jacob asked in a stern but concerned tone.

"Yeah I'm fine"

"Clearly you're not, what happened?"

Luis rubbed his eyes. "It's nothing"

Jacob placed his hand on luis lap in an effort to comfort him. He thought it was about what happened earlier. Jacob paused for a minute and not knowing how to start the awkward conversation.

"Listen, I… it's…. I don't… like Rebecca, in that way" this statement made Luis's head rise.

"She gave me a present and then tried to kiss me, I was going to push her away but you barged in before I had the chance to do so. I'm really sorry about that" he continued, not knowing why he apologized.

Luis just stayed silent looking at him. He ruffled his dirty blond hair, as the corners of his mouth rose ever so slightly.

"I get it she, can be like that sometimes (a hoe)."

A knock was heard at the door. 

"Jacob it's time to get the cake" said Marie. Jacob padded Luis on the back of motioning him to stand up. They both walk downstairs and into the kitchen and on one of the tables was a three-tiered cake. 

"Our chef made it, I hope you like vanilla" Marie explained.

On the top tier was a few birthday candles already lit. Everyone stood around the table As soon as Jacob sat they started singing. He mostly looked at the flame of the candles, because he didn't want to make awkward eye contact with anyone. Once everyone was done singing a caretaker started to cut and serve the cake.

"Mmm, this is really good" luis stated, Jacob chuckled to himself.


"You remind me of my sister" 

Luis pouted and Jacob couldn't help but think that was cute. After everybody finished the cake the party started to die down a bit as hours have passed. Jacob opened his gifts and received a few t-shirts and two pairs of jeans from Mr. Porter. 

Marie gave Jacob the new Slipknot CD 'unsainted'. She remembered the first day that they met when he pointed out her shirt. Luis gave him a dog tag necklace. Some of the other strangers also gave him cards with money in it, in total he had about two-hundred-dollars. By this time almost everyone have left except for a few close friends. 

"Ugh, I can't believe school starts next week, this summer has been so much fun." One of Rebecca's friends groand.

Jacob had completely forgotten about school, he still had one year of high school left to complete. He hasn't even signed himself up yet, or even Katie for that matter. He takes a mental note to do that the following morning as it was Monday.

"Oh, speaking of school what school do you go to?" Luis asked Jacob.

"I used to go to Montgomery, but now I'm sure"

"Ew Montgomery? that place is super ghetto" one of Rebecca's friends chimed in. "We all go to Eastview" they continued.

Eastview is a high school with a tuition fee all of the cool rich snobby kids went there. "Montgomery's is not that bad" Jacob shrugged.

"Hey why not go to our high school?" Luis said.

"I can't, I don't really have the money to get in there" 

Luis understandably frowned. "Well maybe we can help you out?" He suggested.

"Ah I'm too sure about that."

It became midnight so just about everyone had left. Jacob once again thanked the family for what they did. Key headed back to his room and fiddled with his new phone. He replaced the SIMS card and it surprisingly worked. Jacobs phone was still in service, because the company automatically charged his father's bank account.

He came across the contacts app and saw that Rebecca did indeed leave her phone number there. She thought back to that moment and cringed. Hopefully it wouldn't be awkward tomorrow.

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