Chapter Two - Crimson

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Jacob stood still, not believing his own eyes. His blood turned cold, and his breathing increased. His heart beat pounded so loud, he was surprised that Katie didn't hear it. His eyes widened, as his pupils shrunk. There lay Mrs. Wilson, covered in a crimson substance. Lifeless. A dissociated Jacob, slowly walked to his mothers body. He keeled down on top of the already coagulated blood. Carefully, he lifted his mothers head off the ground and placed it into his lap.

Hot tears begun to stroll down his warm checks. Jacob brushed his rough index finger across his mother's soft skin. "Ma" he began to see blurry from all the tears. With hope, he placed his index and middle finger on the left side of her neck. Nothing. He did it again in another position. Nothing. He began to sob. A soft sound was heard from the bathroom, distracting him from finding his mother's pulse. Cautiously, he placed his mother back onto the floor. Without any time to think he quietly got up and headed to the bathroom. The door loudly creaked, through the crack he could see a figure covered in blood. That figure turned around. It was his father.

Jacobs's heart begun to pound and a roaring intense anger filled all throughout his body. Jacob has never felt, such an anger before. Such an anger that cannot be described. At that moment he could tear down the sky. "YOU FUCKING BASTARD" without resistance, he launched himself at  his own father. Throwing punches, from his face to his stomach. Mr. Wilson of course also fought back, but his punches are nowhere near as powerful as Jacobs. Suddenly, Jacob felt a sharp pain near his hip, it hurt like hell but Jacob continued, with his hateful, swings.

His nuckes were now cut up, and badly bruised, they soon became sore. He stood over his limp father's body, to try and catch a breath before he could Begin again. Out of nowhere, a woman grabbed Jacob from behind. He struggled, but at the corner of his eye, he saw through the mirror, it was a police officer. Not wanting to get into any more trouble, he complied with the directions coming from the officer. He tried so hard to drench the flames with water, even more tears shot out of his eyes. She placed cold handcuffs tightly onto Jacob's wrists. Then dragged him out of the room and into the living room, Katie is not there.

Panicked, Jacob asked "Where is my sister?" When the police officer didn't reply, he asked again in a more aggressive tone, "WHERE. IS. MY. SISTER?"  she dragged him outside, here he can see Katie with an officer. "K-Katie" she turned around. Her eyes opened wide, and she timidly hid behind the officer. Katie is confused, scared a worried, why does her brother look like that? One of the few persons she trusts, looks terrifying. He is covered in blood and his puffy eyes are filled with anger. At that moment, he looked just like his father and that scared  Katie.

Once again Tears begun to roll down Jacobs face, the officer forcefully shoved his head into the cop car. The whole time, Jacob's sorrow filled eyes stayed on Katie. She was only twelve, what is going to happen to her? The car begun to drive off. Jacob looked down into his lap, where his mothers head once laid. He choked out more tears, but tried to stay silent. The knot in his throat grew bigger and bigger. All he wanted was to go and comfort Katie. A short car ride later, and they are at a police station. Without a word the officers took him out of the back seat, and took him into an unfamiliar building.

When they stepped inside Jacob could feel the ice Cold air hit his warm face. It's somehow burned. There was a long hallway and on both sides, there are vertical steel bars. If you walked all the way to the end, you would be met with, a large desk. In the back of his desk are file cabinets, along with a door leading to who knows where. The officer placed Jacob into one of the holding cells, and took off the handcuffs. She then locked it and placed the key near the desk. Jacob rubbed his throbbing wrist. "Some nurses will be coming, to check out your wound. You bleed all over the car seat ya know" The officer said in an annoyed tone. She then headed back out the door, in which they entered through. Leaving  Jacob in lonely building.

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