Chapter ten

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Jacob patted the bed motioning Luis to sit next to him. Luis reluctantly sat down. Jacob fell back, and almost instantly fell asleep. Luis akwakardly sat there not knowing what to do, he gazed to sleeping Jacob. He looked tired. He softly smiled to himself, he also soon fell asleep on the comfy warm bed.

Luis was the first one to wake up, he usually woke up early. He felt something heavily around his lower half. Jacob had his arm across his waist, and his right leg intwined with his. Upon realizing this, Luis became flustered. He slowly lifted up his arm to try and not wake him. Jacob is a light sleeper, so it was no use.

Jacob's green eyes widened. "Oh shit, I'm sorry" he jumped up and out of bed. With the sudden movement, his head pounded. The hangover kicking in, he held onto his head and winced in pain. 

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine"

Luis got up and headed to the medicine cabinet, he got some advil, and a glass of water.

"Um, here you go, I always give some to Rebecca the morning after her party nights. It should help." Luis said with extend arms.

"Thanks" Jacob slurped up the medicine, wiping the water off his lips.

"Uh, I'll be in my room" he left leaving jacob sitting on the floor. Jacob changed as he was still in the tux, and freshened up a but. "Man, he must think I'm an idiot."

Jacob thought of getting some fresh air, so he headed outside. He decided to head to the garden just to see what it was like. Surprisingly, he saw Marie there. She had some tools and was working on a rose bush.

"I didn't know you liked gardening"

Marie jumped as she wasn't expecting another person to be there especially so early. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you"

"It's alright, usually no one comes here, only the caretakers, but only on Sunday's"

Jacob nodded and continued to gaze at the amazing display. His eyes then fell to a purple flower. "You planted all of there's?" 

"Yeah, most of them" she noticed his eyes on the flower "That one is an iris, they grow everywhere here, so I have a bunch"  

"May I?" He asked.

"Sure, knock yourself out" she gave him some garden sisscors. He cut three dark purple iris off the stem. "Thank you"

"No problem, and hey, whenever you want some fruit you can get some from here. Just make sure the're ripe."

Jacob smiled "thanks" he looked at the beautiful color as he walked back inside. When he got at the top of the stairs he remembered that he should probably apologize to Luis for yesterday. He turned left and knocked at his door. "Um… sorry about yesterday…" he said holding out the flowers.

Luis turned red. "I-I… um, it's not a problem." He rubbed his arm in self comfort. It was then, Jacob realized how this looked. He awkwardly chuckled and scratched the back of his head feeling embarrassed himself. Luis couldn't help but think he's cute. He grabbed the flowers and placed them in a vase with water, that he conveniently had.

"Whoah, that's some collection you got there" Jacob said point to a glass shelf. One in particular caught his eye, it was bigger than the rest. "Who's that?"

A still flustered Luis let out "Oh, t-thats a dollfie dream miku" 


"Yeah, she's a vocaloid" Jacob looked confused, he had no idea what he was talking about.

"Its a software to make music, she one of the mascots"

Jacob was still confused, but he nodded anyway, and continued to look at the rest of the collection. Luis was kind of an otaku so all the figurines were from anime. Jacob has never watch anime so he was a bit intrigued.

It's been three weeks since Jacob have been living with the Porters. Even though he is only a stranger, they have been nothing but kind to him. Its Jacobs birthday tomorrow as well as the Court case of this father. Jacob also has the option to become Katie guardian, which he will definitely take.

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