Chapter six - a new beginning

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Mr. Porter saw the amazement in Jacobs eyes. He chuckled. "Yes I do, I know its quite different from your house, but I hope you will feel at home here." Mr. Porter climbed out of the car, with Jacob following along. They both entered the house, the first room they entered is a living room, but with no TV, just sofas and a fire place. It looked like a some Victorian home. The next room is the main entrance, there're tall ceilings and a huge crystal chandelier hanging from it. The reflections made the room look magical.

If you head straight from the main door  you'd see two large curved stair cases, leading upstairs. The house echoed from third foot steps. "I'll show you where you'll be staying." Jacob just nodded, still clutching onto his backpack from nervousness. They walked up the carpeted staircase and headed right. Just then, a door on the opposite hallway creaked open. Out sprung a tall boy, he looked similar to Mr. Porter, but had a few differences. His hair is a short dirty blonde color and his eyes hazel, that are slightly darker than his hair.  

Though he is tall he is quite petite, not muscular at all, at least compared to Jacob, still he's quite handsome. Before he said anything his eyes quickly darted to Jacob, his bushy eyebrows pushed themselves together in a concerned manner. He stepped closer to them. "Uh, Luis, this is Jacob, Jacob this is my son, Luis." Mr. Porter said while pointing at each other. "He will be staying with us for, a while." Luis thought that is really strange, nothing like this has happened before. The kid looked awful, and his aura is depressing.

Luis looked at the beaten up boy, "Are you okay?" Jacob nodded and looked down from embarrassment. This whole situation is extremely awkward. Finally, the awkward silence was cut by Mr. Porter. "I'll show you to your room now." He proceeded to open the door, and they both walked in. The room was as elegant as the rest of the house. It to, had a chandelier, though a much smaller version. It has basic furniture like a bed, drawers, and tables, though the design was anything but basic. There was also two large windows facing to the front of the house, and at an angle you can see the garden on the side of the house. This room even had its own personal bathroom.

Jacob placed his worn out backpack, on the chair next to the bed. 

"I hope this room is okay"

"It's more than okay, thank you." This was the first time Mr. porter heard an emotion other than anger in his voice. He silently smiled to himself. "Well I'll let you get settled then, dinner will be out in about an hour or so, I'll call you until then, so I can introduce you to the rest of the family." With that he walked out shutting the door behind him. Jacob walked into the bathroom, and looked at himself in the mirror, suddenly he felt much poorer than he actually was. His clothes were all torn up and faded, will everyone else dressed properly. Not wanting to make a bad impression, he washed. There was already some soap and towels in there, so he took advantage of that.

He dried off but before he could change into other clothes, he realized he left his backpack outside. He opened the door with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. While rummaging through his backpack a soft "um" was heard. Jacob quickly spun around, it's Luis. Jacobs tan skin, turned pink, from embarrassment, Luis gazed at Jacobs muscular chest and six-pack. "Don't you know how to knock?" Jacob asked with an annoyance to his voice. 

"I did, but you didn't answer, so-" Luis rubbed his arm in self comfort.

"So you just walk in?" Jacobs coldly looked into Luis's hazel eyes.

"I- I- I'm sorry" Luis the rushed out. Luis is way too curious about Jacob, it seems like they got off on the wrong foot. Jacob sighed he continued to get dressed. He finger combed his long hair backwards. He looked at this phone, which only had one notification from a game. What's the point in having a phone, if you got no one to talk too? The time read six-thirty-seven, Jacob knew dinner would be held soon, so he sat back down at the edge of the bed waiting. Soon a soft knock was heard, the door slowly creaked open it's Mr. Porter. "Dinners ready"

Jacob got up and followed him out the door. They walked through the stair case, which lead them to an opening. This opening had a water fountain, on the left was the living room, this time one with a TV. on the other side was a glass wall which held the kitchen and dining area. He could see three people sitting there, Jacob started to get a bit nervous.

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