My Last Breath

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I stare out the window frame,

and all i can see is pain,

Everyone walks on by.

I sit there staring for a moment or two

As i sit their taking the whole world in.

Knowing that's the life I'm never going to live,

That i can't do what they can,

That i can't be who they are.

All i can do is sit here all day long,

So i will sit and watch life go by with time.

Knowing that's something i can't do 

I sit on by, watching every one grow older,

As they move on with their lives.

So i sit here as the days go by,

wondering where my life will go.

Wondering what will happen next,

because i do not know.

I watch everyone live their life,

While i'm stuck here, slowly fading away,

fading away, I'm slowing fading away.

I watch my dreams fall to the ground,

So i crumble all around.

When i stare out the window frame,

All i see is pain,

Not from those who walk by my window,

But my reflection in the glass,

As my tears roll down my face.

All i can say "I'm tired of this game",

I'm tired of what's happening,

I'm slowly falling down,

Falling down on the ground.

I take a big breath in and watch them all go by,

Kid's running along, singing their songs

and i just cry, wondering where my life has gone by.

I'm tired of this game,

I'm tired of it all.

No one understand's my pain, no, no one at all.

I have to sit here and fade away,

slowly everyday, i take a breath away,

That's one less breath, I have to force out.

As i close my eyes at night,

I wonder if I'll wake up,

If i will be just fine.

But, deep down inside,

I know My fight is gone,

There's nothing left to fight for,

I've no strength inside,

It's all disappeared along with my life

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now