We Wear A Mask

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We wear a mask To Hide Many Things,

To Hide Our Pain,

To Hide Our Sadness,

To Hide Our secrets deep down within.

With out our masks you would see

The prettiest smile,

Hides the deepest secrets,

The prettiest eyes,

have cried the most tears,

the Kindest heart,

has seen the most pain.

And that is not okay,

It hurts but we're used to it,

we hide our pain each and every day,

Afraid of what people might say,

Afraid of being judged.

I know the pain won't last forever,

but it doesn't make the tears go away,

or the scars disappear.

We wear a mask to hide our faces,

We wear a mask to hide our emotions.

Everyone is fighting a battle,

A whole war deep down within

Poetry Collection : Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now