Chapter Five

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The clocks played the radio to wake us up right at ten o'clock am, just like my father had set them to do. We all awoke, rubbing our eyes, eager to go about the day. After a good night's sleep, we all awoke to be free from the pain that we felt in our legs the day before but stiffness was left in its wake.

The three of us leaped from our beds, got dressed, and headed to the hotel lounge for breakfast, then off for another day of sightseeing. We decided to visit the Musée d'Orsay museum in Paris that housed artwork from well-known artists like Vincent van Gogh, Claude Monet, and Camille Pissarro, and some artwork from lesser-known artists like Maximilien Luce.

After visiting that museum, we walked across the Pont des Arts, which is a pedestrian bridge for onlookers to stand and gaze at the Seine river.

As we stood on that bridge, we took in the breathtaking view of the river, the boats coming through just underneath us, and the Eiffel Tower. Of all of Paris that we have visited since coming on this trip, this had to be the most beautiful place to see the city.

My mother had taken so many pictures on the bridge that I was beginning to think she used almost half the film on her camera.

After standing on the bridge, watching the world around us stand still for about thirty minutes, we headed somewhere for lunch. This time we decided to go to good ole McDonald's.

We finally concluded our day of sightseeing by visiting the Bois de Boulogne, which is a public park that houses a nice botanical garden. We loved visiting the greenhouse and seeing all the beautiful plants that they had.

We finally decided to go back to the hotel for the night to have dinner. We tried lamb like everyone we had run into had told us that we needed to try. Apparently it's a very popular dish in France.

After we finished our dinner we made our way back to our hotel room, nearly passing out as soon as our heads hit the pillow.

Just like the previous day, time flew by so fast. We only had a few days left in Paris until it was time for the trip to come to an end.

The next few days we visited places like the Arc de Triomphe, Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Montmartre, Latin Quarter, and the Jardin d'Acclimatation, which is an amusement park that we spent an entire day enjoying.

When we went to the amusement park I saw the same little boy from my dream that I saw at the Eiffel Tower. It felt quite funny running into him again. My parents didn't notice him and his mother, but there was no way that I wouldn't have noticed. It was like running into an old friend again. We exchanged smiles before he skipped away with his mother to ride the swings.

Before we knew it, the time had slipped through our fingers and we were finally enjoying our last day of Paris. The sun shone brightly overhead as we got our belongings gathered for the early flight back to Kentucky the next morning.

We spent our last time soaking up some water and sun at a waterpark called Aqualagon.

After the water and the sun had worn us out, we decided to take one last trip back to the Eiffel Tower to take in its beauty, before bidding France our farewells. After all, come tomorrow the trip will be a thing of the past, and all we will have left are the pictures that we took and the memories that we made.

Once again, I ran into that same little boy at the Eiffel Tower. It seemed so odd that I had ran into him two other times since first meeting him at this very spot.

The little boy, whose name I still didn't know, walked up to me and put his hand into mine, before placing a gentle sweet kiss upon my cheek. My face turned a deep scarlet.

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