Chapter Eighteen

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Work seemed to fly by faster than I thought and before I knew it, I was getting ready to go back to my apartment and put my ideas down on paper.

I sped out of the parking lot of the office as quickly as I could without going a dangerous speed. In the blink of an eye, I made it back to my apartment. I ran up the stairs as fast as my feet could carry me and to the front door of my apartment.

On my front door was a little note. It was from Jean-Paul. It read:

Dearest Blakely,

I hope work has treated you well today. I cannot wait to see you on Saturday. I'm getting impatient as I mark the days off of the calendar until I can see you next. I hope the rest of the workweek treats you well.



I took the note off of the front door as a smile spread across my face. I like that Jean-Paul is old fashioned, that he could have sent a text, but he took the time to write a note. It was neatly written and the letters curved into elegant loops. It's the little things he does that shows how much he truly cares. How I got so lucky to meet a man like Jean-Paul I'll never know. But I'm so glad that I have. I hold the note close to my chest, knowing that I'll cherish the letter forever.

I ran into the apartment and I grabbed my notepad and pen from the spare kitchen drawer. I sat down at the kitchen table to begin brainstorming places Jean-Paul and I could visit on my vacation-that is, if he would even want to come with me.

Although we have been to the beach in New Jersey, we could always go to a different beach, perhaps in Florida. There is also the Grand Canyon. There were so many places we can go on vacation.

I made a list almost an entire front page long of states we could travel to within the US and things we could do in each state.

All that was left to do now was to ask Jean-Paul if he would want to come with me and figure out a place we both would love to visit.

I made myself a cold-cut sandwich with chips for dinner since I was too tired to cook for the night and I poured myself a glass of sweet tea.

I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch while turning on the TV. I realized that it was the night for some of my shows to be coming on. So I sat and ate my sandwich with chips and sipped on my sweet tea while catching my shows on live TV for the night.

After I watched my last show, I walked into the bedroom to get ready for bed. As I laid my head down on the pillow, my eyes immediately closed in sleep.

The next morning, I was awakened from the radio from my alarm clock that was playing romantic love songs. I took a shower, brushed my teeth, and dressed in some comfortable clothing, before making my way to work.

I wish I could say that the day went by as fast as the day before, but I would be lying if I said such a thing. The day dragged by so slowly.

In fact, it wasn't just the day that seemed to fly by so slowly; It was the rest of the entire week. Of course, when you look forward to something such as meeting up with your French cutie or planning to go on vacation the next week, things will seem to go by much slower. That's why I always dread looking forward to something exciting.

Finally, Saturday came around and I sprang up from my bed almost as fast as someone would spring up if they had a fire set to their behind.

I woke up extra early to have a small breakfast and get dressed before our usual afternoon meet up at the coffee shop.

I left the apartment a little earlier than usual and found a table and sat down just waiting for Jean-Paul to get there. I was so excited to finally see him again after five days...which seemed like the longest five days of my entire life.

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