Chapter Six

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Today is the day I have been waiting for for the past eight years. The day that I graduate from NYU school of medicine as Blakely Evans, MD. The dream of moving to New York came to me while we were visiting Paris and we saw the replica of the Statue of Liberty. I knew that moving to Paris would be a farfetched dream, but after that day, I decided that moving to New York could become a new dream of mine.

I slipped into a silver knee-length dress that was adorned with a sparkled bodice and lace skirt. I dolled my face up with some foundation and eye shadow to give myself that beautiful glow. I stood in front of my floor-length mirror in the bedroom of my apartment, and gazed one last time at the confident woman smiling back at me.

After graduating from high school, I moved to New York from Kentucky to start college. The move was hard for me to get used to because I wasn't happy about having to leave my parents. I was their only child, and although I had to spread my wings at some point, I knew that my leaving would break their hearts. I had refrained from crying until after they got me moved into my dorm room, and left then I let the waterworks flow. I didn't want them to see me crying because I knew that would only make them cry even more.

While away at college, I made sure to come back to visit my parents on holidays, as I wasn't able to make a more frequent visit. Although my studies were hard at first, I finally graduated with honors after four years of college. Then came medical school.

I had to work really hard to excel in my classes so that I could graduate from medical school and finally have a doctorate degree.

Here I am today, gazing into the mirror one last time before slipping my purple gown over my silver dress, and placing the cap on my curly brunette locks.

I made my way through the living room of my apartment, leaving it behind to meet my parents at the Alice Tully Hall where the graduation commencement ceremony will be held.

The whole drive there I thought about how proud my parents must be to watch their daughter walk across the stage to get her doctorate degree. Heck, I was even proud of myself. The long, sleepless nights weren't for nothing. Those nights played their part in where I am today.

I finally pulled into a parking lot close to the concert hall. I told my parents to meet me outside of the hall before walking in.

When I saw my parents walk up to me, I couldn't hold it together. My eyes started leaking like a geyser waiting to explode. I tried to keep from messing up my makeup.

"Look at you," Mother said as she walked up, throwing her arms around me.

"Our baby girl is now graduating with her doctorate degree. Can you believe how fast time goes?" Dad chimed in.

I smiled as we walked into the concert hall. I soon had to bid my farewells and go to the meeting room. My hands became sweaty and my heart started racing. Saying that I'm nervous would be an understatement. I felt like I was beyond that.

Soon it was time to start walking in. Immediately my eyes scanned the room to find my parents. As soon as my eyes locked on them in the crowd, my nerves settled down. This was it. The day I've worked so hard for for the last eight years. My dreams were now becoming a reality.

We sat and listened as speeches and words were said. Soon enough, we were lining up to make our march across the stage.

"Blakely Ann Evans."

I slowly walked across the stage as my name was called. I could see my parents standing and cheering as smiles spread across their faces.

After every name had been called we stood facing the crowd as we finally filed back out of the hall. I waited in the foyer as my parents finally appeared from the crowd.

Love In Unexpected Places ✓Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon