Chapter Eleven

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After some much-needed sleep, I leaped from the bed the moment the alarm went off at ten-thirty AM. I wanted to make a good impression on Jean-Paul, as the last couple of times I was anything but put together. No, instead the last two times I've seen the man I've been a hot mess express. The first day being the day that I told Max that we were going our separate ways. My eyes had been puffy from crying and my face was tinted red. Then yesterday everything was going fine between the two of us until I found a shocking truth in the mirror when I was going to brush my teeth. The fact that the ham was stuck in between my teeth was enough to make me want to hide my face from him and never see him again. I suppose I could cancel the plans with him when he arrives...just tell him that I can't go. But I can't stand up the handsome hunk. My heart was beginning to fall for him unexpectedly. There was no way I could cancel the day with him.

I walked into the bathroom and prepared to take a shower. I walked into the warm water as it hit my back. For a moment, time stood still. I started thinking about Jean-Paul and what life would be like to date a French hunk. My mind seems to run wild and I lose train of my thoughts in the shower. I quickly shook the idea out of my mind as I turned the shower off and walked over to the mirror, slowly rubbing the fogged-up mirror. I brushed and flossed my teeth and then walked back into my room to change into my long white flowy summer dress and heels. I slipped my swimsuit on underneath. I walked back into the bathroom after the fog had cleared from the mirrors and applied a little bit of foundation, blush, eye shadow, and lip gloss.

I stepped back from the mirror and admired my gaze. I was amazed at how nicely I clean up. I only hoped it was enough to make Jean-Paul forget about the incident with the food in my teeth.

At 12 PM right on the dot, Jean-Paul came knocking on my front door. I embraced myself and took a long deep breath before walking over and answering the door. There he was in a pair of navy blue shorts that actually resembled swimming trunks and a tight-fitted white t-shirt.

I walked back into the living room, grabbing my keys, and we headed out the door and for my car.

I smiled at Jean-Paul as he occupied the passenger seat. "I wasn't sure if you were going to show up."

He looked and me and whispered, "I could never pass on hanging out with you again."

He smiled before turning to look out of the car window. We got comfortable because we had a one hour and thirty-minute car ride to Jersey.

I started making small talk and then finally asked him if he would like me to turn on the music. He liked that idea so we listened to music as we rolled down the windows. We felt the breeze coming in and sweeping through our hair as we talked and laughed.

Finally, we made it to Jersey and we stopped at a nearby restaurant to grab some lunch before heading to the beach. We went to a beach bistro with an oceanside view. I had pasta fagioli while Jean-Paul had fish and chips.

After finishing our lunch, we drove to the beach that we had decided on. We got out of the car and walked through the sand until we found a place that we wanted to sit so we could bask in the sun.

We sat on the beach for a few minutes before deciding to have a sand fight. I'm not exactly sure why we chose to do that, but it was much more interesting than a snowball fight. Of course, we turned our heads to avoid sand in the eyes. But I'm pretty sure we were wearing sand everywhere else. In our hair, probably our ears, and up our noses. It felt like we were two little kids finally having some fun.

After a few minutes, I got a little hot and sweaty, and decided I was ready for a dip in the ocean. I stood up while knocking some loose sand from myself. I took off my sundress and threw it down on the towel that Jean-Paul had brought and laid out across the sand. Jean-Paul had also stood and dusted himself off as well.

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