Chapter Fourteen

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I awakened to find that Jean-Paul and I must have fallen asleep on the couch during our movie date. He was laying next to me as I was cuddled up into his arms. I moved his muscular arm off of me before slowly and carefully rising up off of the couch. I quietly made my way to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast.

I put in my headphones and started listening to the upbeat music while dancing through the kitchen, gathering the bacon, eggs, butter, and buttermilk and placing the ingredients on the counter.

I took a frying pan out of the cabinet and began opening up and slicing the bacon in half and filling up the frying pan. After measuring and mixing all of the ingredients, I patted out the dough and shaped the dough into a circular shape before placing them into a greased cooking pan. Lastly, I whisked some eggs up with pink salt and pepper and poured them into another frying pan with melted butter.

The country meal reminds me of my mornings cooking breakfast with my mother in our small Kentucky home, sitting around the dinner table with our heads bowed in prayer.

By the time I pulled the buttermilk biscuits from the oven, the aroma of a Sunday breakfast began to waft through the air.

"Mm, something sure smells good in here," Jean-Paul exclaimed as he got up off of the couch and walked into the kitchen.

"I made us some breakfast," I said as I placed a soft kiss upon his lips. He walked to the fridge before grabbing some orange juice and pouring us both a glass and taking it to the dining table.

"Do you need any help?" He asked as he grabbed a couple of plates out of the cabinet and set the table for me.

"I think I got it. I was going to set the table but you beat me to it." I winked as he helped me take the food to the table.

We sat at the dinner table together enjoying our breakfast and flashing smiles back and forth to each other. It was at that exact moment that I saw that special sparkle in his eye. He truly looked happy. A man that is visiting from almost 4,000 miles away would have to be getting homesick. I only imagine how hard it is to be so far away from everything that is familiar to you. But the fact that I can make this man smile even being so far away from home felt like a good thing. I just never wanted the moment to end and, I hoped that it wouldn't.

After enjoying our breakfast in silence, I began to put the leftovers into containers. While I did that, Jean-Paul really surprised me by clearing the table, clearing the food residue off of the dishes, and loading the dishwasher.

I wasn't sure what his plans were for the day, but I didn't want to let that man walk out of my door. I wanted time to stand still, to freeze in this perfect moment with this handsome stranger standing in my kitchen. But I knew I couldn't keep him prisoner inside of my apartment. The sinking feeling in my stomach told me that he would be leaving sooner rather than later. One look in his deep green eyes told me that he didn't want to leave any more than I wanted him to.

He finally broke the long silence. "I am going to go back to my hotel to get things in order. Would you want to have dinner with me tonight? Maybe we can go see an actual movie in the cinema. That is, if you would want to."

My lips moved, trying to form words, but no sound came out.

Finally, the words sailed smoothly across my lips. "Of course I'd like to go see a movie with you and have dinner afterward. Pick me up at six-thirty? The movie usually starts around seven."

He gave a brilliant smile and nodded before moving his way to the front door. Then he placed a kiss upon my cheek, before opening the door and walking out. I watched him from the threshold as he walked down the hallway and to the street outside. I closed the door and stood in front of it as a smile stretched across my face from ear to ear. I felt my happiest when I'm with Jean-Paul.

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