Chapter Twenty-Seven

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The next day Jean-Paul and I took Celeste to the airport in the early morning hours to catch her plane. Watching Jean-Paul with his Mom was such a heartwarming moment. No wonder he was so good with women-he had the perfect woman to teach him how to treat females. For that, I would always be grateful for his mom.

After we saw Celeste off and watched her plane disappear into the sky, Jean-Paul and I went back to my apartment for a couple of hours to wait for my parents to come and say goodbye.

The knocking sounded on the apartment door. I opened the door and let my parents come in for a moment.

I wrapped my arms around them both and gave them a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, before they hugged Jean-Paul and bid us farewell.

Before I let them disappear out of the door, I walked into the living room and pulled a card that I had written in out of my purse and walked into the kitchen to retrieve the flowers I wanted to give to my mother. The card read:

My dear mother. They say best friends are hard to find, but my best friend raised me. Even though it may be hard as my mother, I hope that you will stand up there with me when I say I do to my soulmate. I'm so blessed to be your daughter. Will you be my maid of honor?

I placed the card into the bouquet and gave it to her.

"What's this?" She asked.

"Just open it," I responded.

As she read the card, tears of joy streamed down her face. She looked at me with watery eyes and pulled me in for a hug.

"This means so much to me," she whispered into my ear.

I felt so honored to ask the woman that gave birth to me and raised me to be my maid of honor.

"I'm so glad that you said yes. I wouldn't want anyone else to be my maid of honor," I said as I gave her and my father one last hug. We bid them a farewell.

Jean-Paul should hear something in March about his green card, so we have decided to have an April wedding. For my first bridesmaid, I had wanted to ask Celeste. For my other two bridesmaids, I couldn't leave out Belle and Nina. I had become really close friends with the two of them, so it would be wrong to leave them out of my bridal party.

Even though our wedding is still three months away, I wanted to have everything planned out ahead of time so we would have plenty of time to pick out decorations, dresses, and other things.

Jean-Paul was perfectly fine with who I picked for my bridal party. It made it easy for him though to decide who to choose for his party.

He grew up with four best friends in France. They all loved to hang out together in school and outside of school.

He had decided that his best friend Alexandre should be his best man and that his other three best friends Olivier, Philippe, and Mathieu should be his groomsmen.

For the wedding colors, we had decided on gold and maroon, even though it's a spring wedding and those are the colors for a fall or winter wedding.

Jean-Paul and I went back to the bed for a nap. The holidays the last couple of weeks has wiped us from our sleep and have made us exhausted.

So we walked back into the bedroom and pulled the covers up over us. Jean-Paul threw his arm around me and immediately fell asleep. I felt the gravity of my eyes pulling closed. I gave in to the force.

I was standing there gazing into the mirror. Tears unknowingly rolling down my face. I caught the tears as I took a big deep breath. The music started playing and I began to walk down the aisle with my father.

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