Chapter Fifteen

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Throughout the rest of our meal, I watched Jean-Paul through my lashes, thinking about how handsome he was.

After we indulged in our dinner, Jean-Paul ordered us some crème brûlée, which is a custard dessert with caramelized sugar on top. As we sat at the table awaiting our dessert, Jean-Paul picked my hand up off of the table and placed a gentle kiss upon it.

Then he pulled something out of his tux pocket. With a dazzling smile, he handed me a small, gold foil box. I opened the box and let out a gasp when I saw a silver bracelet with several charms.

The charms were French-inspired. One of the small trinkets depicted the Eiffel Tower, and another was a fleur de lis. Two of the charms were words in a cursive manuscript reading "Paris" and "la bonne vie", which is translated as "the good life" in English.

"I thought I would get you a little something as a gift to let you know I was thinking of you. I know you have spoken of the trip to Paris that you went on with your parents. Now, when you gaze upon that bracelet, you will not only remember the memories you shared in Paris, but you will also think of me," he said quietly, clasping the bracelet upon my wrist.

I smiled, moving my hand back and forth so that the charms shone in the dimmed restaurant lighting. The bracelet was so beautiful and was such a thoughtful gift, that I never wanted to take it off.

Soon after our dessert arrived, Jean-Paul picked up a fork and dug into it. He moved the dessert to my lips as I opened to take in a bite. The crème brûlée literally melted in my mouth with every bite.

"My maman used to make this dessert for my birthday when I was just a young boy. When my papa left... he left us broke. We didn't have much money for the first couple of years after that. We struggled. But my maman always made a little dessert to celebrate my birthday. It was better than a birthday cake." He smiled as he took his first bite of the dessert.

I just learned something new about Jean-Paul that I didn't know. I nearly lost my appetite after hearing about Jean-Paul's less fortunate childhood days. Thinking of this little green-eyed boy and his mother struggling made me realize how fortunate my mother and I were to have my father in our lives.

I was so happy that he shared that with me. We finished our dessert and the waiter brought the check. Jean-Paul picked up the tab while I put some money in for a tip.

We walked out of the restaurant and waited for the next Uber to take us to the movie theater. When the Uber pulled up to the cinema, Jean-Paul opened the door to let me inside before getting in himself. I smiled as I climbed inside, thinking about how polite and chivalrous he was. I couldn't help but compare him to Max, who never opened the door for me or bought me any kind of jewelry.

The ride to the theater was quiet, each of us lost in our own thoughts. I felt Jean-Paul's hand latch onto mine as we looked at each other and smiled.

We were still holding hands when we arrived at the theater. I wasn't sure what we were going to be watching, but I couldn't wait to watch a movie with Jean-Paul. This was our first official date, and a part of me hoped that it wouldn't be our last. I longed to be more than friends, but at the same time, I wasn't sure if I was ready. I worried about giving Jean-Paul mixed signals again. If I rejected him again like I did when he tried to kiss me, he might not be so forgiving next time.

But then Jean-Paul smiled, and every worry I had disappeared. In that moment, it was just me and him.

After getting our tickets, Jean-Paul walked over and helped me with our drinks as I grabbed our tub of popcorn. I tried to peer over his shoulder to see what movie he had picked for us, but he wouldn't budge.

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