Chapter Nineteen

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After meeting up at the coffee shop I bid Jean-Paul a farewell and told him to meet me the next morning around 6 am so we could begin our eleven-hour journey to Gatlinburg. I still needed to get in touch with my Dad to make some arrangements for us, but I knew that Dad's old friend Dave could help us out.

I went back to my apartment and thought about what I could pack, starting to get excited about my trip with Jean-Paul. As I rummaged through my drawers to find the clothes I'd need for the wee-long getaway, I pulled out my phone and dialed my Dad's number. It rang for just a moment, before I heard my father speaking on the other line.

I smiled as I heard my father's voice. I was always a Daddy's girl growing up. Although I loved my Mom's hugs and gentleness, my father held a special place in my heart. I felt safe when my father was near, like he would protect me from anything and everything that could cause me harm. I admired his advice and words of wisdom.

"Hey, there sweetheart. How have you been? How has life been treating ya?" He asked as his voice was loud with excitement.

"I'm okay, Daddy. Life has had its ups and downs, but more ups than downs lately."

'Your mother told me what happened with Max. I'm so sorry, sweetheart. I've been worried about you; we both were. Your mother also tells me you met a new man. She said something about him being French," he chuckled.

I smiled. "Yes, he is French. His name is Jean-Paul."

If only he knew just how ironic it was actually running into a French man in New York when you're someone that is so obsessed with France.

"Good. Because if anyone hurts my baby girl, they will be sorry," My father said very seriously. He has always said he has a gun and that he wouldn't want to have to use it. Of course, any father is very protective of his daughter.

"I don't think you will have to worry about Jean-Paul, Daddy."

"Good. Then I approve of this relationship already," My father chuckled.

We sat and talked for what felt like hours. I learned what new things were going on in his and my mother's lives, and caught them up on the happenings in my own. Finally, I decided to tell him about the trip to Tennessee that Jean-Paul and I had planned to go to.

"Speaking of Jean-Paul, next week my office is closed for the week, and Jean-Paul and I were thinking of getting away to Gatlinburg for a few days. I know it's last minute, but do you think Dave could hook us up with one of his cabin rentals?"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind. I can call him and then text you to let you know what he says.

As much as I hated to, I told my father goodbye and that I loved him as I hang up the phone and waited. I wasn't sure how long it would take for my father to get in touch with his friend Dave about the cabin rentals, but I hoped that it wouldn't be very long.

I decided to go ahead and start packing just in case. Because no matter what, Jean-Paul and I are going on some kind of vacation the upcoming week.

I took my duffel bag and suitcase out of the back of my closet and began throwing travel toiletries that I picked up one day after work. I also packed my blowdryer, hairbrush, hair ties, some outfits, some pajamas, a faux fur blanket, socks, and some extra shoes.

I felt the vibration come from my phone that was lying on the bed next to my duffel bag and suitcase. I glanced down and saw a text from my father. I opened it up.

Dave said he had an extra cabin that he could rent out to you for the week. I hope you have a careful ride down there and back. But most importantly, have fun. I love you.

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