Chapter Seventeen

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We went back to my apartment and I asked him to stay for dinner. Of course, he agreed. So I walked into the kitchen to see what I could find to make for dinner. I found the steaks that I had laid out in the fridge a couple of days before but hadn't gotten around to making them yet.

As I reached into the cabinet to grab a skillet, Jean-Paul walked up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed a gentle kiss on the nape of my neck, sending pleasant chills down my spine. I spun to look at him, my heart fluttering when he gave me a dazzling smile.

"Let me help." He pleaded. His eyes gave such a look. I couldn't say no.

"Of course," I said as I placed the skillet on the stove and placed the steaks in the skillet.

I grabbed the potatoes out of the potato bin and handed him a few. I instructed him on how to wash and poke holes in the spuds, then wrapped them in foil and placed them in the oven to bake.

I gave Jean-Paul a knife and asked him to cut up some vegetables for a salad. As he chops the cucumbers with his back to me, I admire him-the way he holds the knife with his bicep rippling with each cut, and just his presence in the kitchen. I couldn't help but stare at him. It was odd having a man help me cook-Max refused to ever touch a knife-but it was something I could get used to.

He turns to look at me while I'm staring at him which causes a heat to creep upon my cheeks. I quickly look away and stub my toe on the cabinet.

Jean-Paul turned back to the vegetables, pretending he didn't notice, but I can see the hint of a smile on his lips.

After half an hour, our entire dinner was finished. I began plating our food, while Jean-Paul placed the salad on the table, along with the French salad dressing.

We sat at the table around the table as I poured us a glass of red wine.

Jean-Paul suggested that we pray together before our meal. This made my eyes widen with surprise. I nodded my head in agreeance. Jean-Paul reached up and gave my hand a gentle squeeze as a smile spread across his face.

We bowed our heads to pray as Jean-Paul lead the prayer.

As we sat and ate our meal, Jean-Paul broke the silence.

"I have to ask" he started, "I think your name is beautiful. How did your parents come up with it?"

I looked at him and a little bit of sadness mixed and pride before explaining the meaning behind my name.

"I'm named after my uncle, Blake Wesley. He was my mother's twin brother and her best friend, before he died at only sixteen years old." I said, my heart aching for my mother and her loss.

"My uncle was a varsity football player and my mother was a cheerleader. Blake had to stay late after a game one night. Rather than having to wait on him, my mother caught a ride home with a friend, unsure how late Blake would be.

Later that night, a police officer arrived at my grandparents' house to deliver the news. Blake had been on his way home from the game when he was hit by a drunk driver. He died on impact," I said, biting back tears thinking about the uncle I never got to meet.

"My mother's life was altered forever. Not only did she lose a sibling, she lost her other half, the brother she'd experienced everything with since their birth, her very best friend. She blamed herself for a long time, convinced that if she had stayed with her brother a little longer, things would have turned out differently.

"To honor her brother, my mother gave me his name. I'm proud to be named after Blake Wesley, and I can only hope that one day, I will bring the name justice," I said, unable to fight the tears any longer.

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