.Chapter 1.

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.Y/n's Pov.

Today's going to be awesome! Me and my parents are out camping. It's my first time and I'm so excited. My dad and I finished up the tents, he showed me how to set up a tent. It's pretty hard though. My mom was making sandwiches for us, while my dad and I went out to collect some sticks for a fire. I skipped down a clear path that had a few pebbles in it. It was beautiful. I love nature. It's just so peaceful and beautiful. After my dad and I got enough sticks to make a fire, we went back to our camp site. It was pretty late so I decided to change into my pjs. We sat and ate our sandwiches around the camp fire as my dad told stories of when he went camping with his friends or family. After eating I grabbed a bag of marshmallows and sat back down at the campfire. My dad was telling scary stories, about the woods and what lys in it.

I was a bit scared, but I also didn't believe him. You know campfire stories aren't always true, right? Nevertheless I listened. As time went past it started to get darker. From the woods/forest you could see the stars and moon more clearly. My parents went off to bed, while I was star gazing as I layed in my sleeping bag around the fire, that was starting to slowly burn out. It was beautiful and peaceful. In the far distance you could here twigs crack, bushes rusel and owls whooting. But it was still peaceful. I losed my eyes for a breafe second as a light brease came, enjoying the feeling of the cool, clean air hitting my face. My eyes snapped open when I heard a twig snap, from behind me. It sounded pretty close. From a far distance you could  hear a howl. Wolf's? Nah, it can't be wolf's.

There are know wolf's in this airea. That's what the sign said. Well the sign did say there aren't any animals in this part of the woods/forest, the only animal to be found here, would be mice, hares, rabbit, birds, foxes and a few bugs, but not animals that could attack you. I ignored the risseling and howling and continued to look up at the stary sky. It was really beautiful, I wouldn't mind looking at the sky every night. I prefer night, over day. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a thud. I sat up straight and looked behind me, but saw nothing, but bushes. Mmmm, I wonder what was that? I sat still, looking in the distance the sound came from. I was starting to panic as my breathing was uneven and my heart was beating fast. I took deep breaths trying to calm my heart down, but it wasn't working, when the ruseling was becaming closer.

I practically jumped out of my skin when a fox jumped out from behind the bushes. I sighed in releafe when the little red fox walked away. I looked back at the fire and saw that it was practically gone, just the smoke left that was disepearing in the wind. I stood up and grabbed my sleeping bag and headed into the tent my parents and I were sharing. I stopped when I had this feeling like I was being watched. I turned around and looked around at our campsite, but there was nothing but bushes and trees. It's probably just that little fox. I shrugged it off and entered the tent, laying my sleeping bag down and made sure I closed the tent, before climbing into my sleeping bag and let darkness take over me. Next morning I woke up, to the sound of Russelling. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

When my eyes got use to my surroundings, I looked around me to see my mom and dad are still sleeping peacefully. I forrowed my eyes, when I still heard the ruselling. I stood up and opened the tent, poking my head out. It was still a little dark, but the sun was starting to rise. I heard the russeling again, it was coming from my left side. It's probably that same fox, from last night. I shrugged it off and walked out from the tent, cause I had to use the bathroom or more like the bush. I went to my right side, since the sounds were coming from the left. After finishing my business, I went back to my tent and searched for my phone, to check the time. The time read 4:45. Mmmmm, it's pretty early. I put on my takkies and a jacket, since it was a little cold, due to the morning breas.

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