.Chapter 7.

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.Lauren's Pov.

I walked into school with my bag slung over my shoulder. I walked to Y/n's locker. I know she's there I can smell her sent. I turned the corner to her locker and what I saw, made my blood boil. There stood Brad cornering Y/n between him and the lockers. I listen in on what they were saying. "Brad, leave me alone" Y/n told him as she pushed on his chest. "come on baby I know you want me" he said with a sickening smirk. I growled as he put his hand Y/n's arm. "ew, no I wouldn't want your no-liped face" she shot back and I smirked at her comment. "Brad, just leave me alone, before I make you leave" she warned him. I don't think she knows his a vampire. "you do anything to arm me?" Brad asked and laughed. "you couldn't even hurt a fly with you size" he said as he got closer to Y/n's face. Y/n pushed his face away aggressively and shoved him back. "don't underestimate a girl by their size" Y/n told him and turned around to walk away, but he pulled her back and pushed her against the lockers.

"you listen to me slut, you will go out with me even if I have to force you" he growled in her face as his eyes turned red. Y/n's eyes widen and I could hear her heart beat starting to beat fast. Okay. I had enough of that. Know one calls my girl a slut and gets away with it. I walked over to the no-liped Vampire and yanked him off of Y/n, throwing him across the hallway and into the lockers. I growled at him as I walked over to him and picked him up by his t-shirts collier. I pushed him up against the lockers, wrapping my hand around his neck, putting a bit of pressure on it and growled in his face. "you listen to me, you filthy blood-sucker. You don't ever and I mean ever! go near her again. If I see you close or even smell your sent on her your head his mind. Don't even think of looking at her, course she's mine" I said through greeted teeth as I showed him my gold eyes. He had a smirk on his face as his hands were on my hand, preventing me from choking him any further.

"she won't be yours forever. We want her and we get what we want" he said and I tightened my hold on his neck all I could see was red and his stupid face. "the Vampire's will take her and claim her as one of there own" he said as he was now struggling to talk. "she will know longer be an innocent human, she will be a blood-thirsty-vampire... Like us" he said and I lost it. I growled and threw him back across the hallway, where Y/n was standing. "Lauren, look at me" Y/n said and grabbed my arm, but I was to angry at what he said to listen to her. I ripped my arm out from her grasped and launched myself at him. "don't you dare to touch her again! If I find you close to her I'll fucking kill you!" I shouted as I threw punched at him. "Lauren!" I heard Y/n shout my name, but I kept throwing punches to Brad's face. I felt someone push me off of Brad and I was about to punch that person when I stopped my fist right in front of Y/n's face. All my anger left my body when I saw her face. I nearly punched Y/n square in the face, because of my anger. I lowered my hand and stood up straight. My eyes never left Y/n's as I looked down at her.

I could see from the corners of my eyes that students had surrounded us. Hopefully my eyes changed back to normal by now. I turned to the students. "what the fuck are you all looking at!? There's nothing to see here!" I shouted at them and they scurried away. "Lauren" I snapped my head back to Y/n and my eyes sofend. I walked over to Y/n and hugged her, instently calming down. I pulled away from her and cupped her face. "he didn't hurt you did he?" I asked as I rubbed my thumb over Y/n's cheek. She shook her head as she looked up at me. "good, cause if he did, you won't be seeing him tomorrow" I told her and she smiled, but then frowned. "I don't want you killing people even if they're evil" she told me sternly and I couldn't help, but to obey her orders. What can I say? I'm whipped for this girl. She's the perfect Luna. "yes your highness" I joked and bowed down to her. I heard her giggle and I looked back up at her. "Lauren, I'm serious" she told me and smiled at her. "I'm serious too" I told her and she bit her bottom lip to prevent her from smiling. "do we really have to go back to class? I don't feel like doing school today" I asked and gave her my best puppy-dog-eyes.

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