.Chapter 8.

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.Lauren's Pov.

As I was sleeping, sounds coming from downstairs in the house, woke me up. It sounded like someone was in the house. I smelled the area and relaxed when I smelled that the sent was similer to Y/n's. It must be Y/n's Parents. I continued to lay next to Y/n. I could hear them making their way up the stairs, probably to see if they're daughter is in her room. I heard the door to Y/n's room open and heard slight whispers. "there's someone in Y/n's bed" Y/n's mother whisperd. I know it's her mother, because of her feminine voice. "what!? Is it a boy?" Y/n's father questioned. "shhhh! No, It's a female and our daughter is gay" Y/n's mother said as she hushed her husband. "oh, right. I forgot, but still who is she?" Y/n's father asked. Y/n started to steer in my arms as her parents stopped whispering. Y/n opened her eyes. "hey" she said as she smiled at me. "hey. Your parents are here and they're standing at your bedroom door" I told her and her eyes widen. She sat up straight and turned to her parents. "Mom! Dad!" she shouted and got off from her bed and ran to her parents.

I sat up and turned to them. Y/n jumped in her father's arms, then went and huged her mother. "I missed you guys" she said and hugged them again. "we missed you too sweetie" her mother said with a wide smile. I sat on the edge of the bed watching their interaction. "okay, now that we've all greeted one one another. I want to know who's the girl in your bed?" Y/n's father asked and raised his eyebrow at he's daughter. Y/n looked back to me and smiled at me. I "oh, right! Lauren come here" Y/n said and I stood up and walked over to them. "mom, dad, this is my friend Lauren. Lauren these are my parents" Y/n said. "nice to meet you, Mr and Mrs. Y/l/n" I said politely. "nice to meet you too dear. You can call me Elize, and may I say you have really beautiful eyes" Elize said as she offerd me a sweet smile. "thank you, Elize" I said. "what were you two doing in bed? Did you use protection?" Mr Y/l/n asked and I saw Y/n's face heat up. "Dad! I'm only 15!" Y/n exclaimed and hit her father's arm. "I'm only playing" Y/n's dad said as he laughed, then he faced me. "it's nice to meet you Lauren" he said as he stuck his hand out to me.

I took his hand in mine. "nice to meet you too sir" I told him as we shook hands. He had a firm grip on my hand as he shook it. "sir? No, no, no, that's too formal, call me Tom" he said and I nodded my head. "come on love birds. I brought dinner" Y/n's mom said as she walked downstairs. "mom!" Y/n whined as she followed her mom downstairs. Tom stopped me as his wife and daughter walked downstairs. "I can see that Y/n likes you a lot. If you hurt my daughter in anyway, I'll hunt you down and I'll personally kill you myself" Tom warned. I wasn't even scared at his threat. Like seriously man, I could do way more damage then you'll, ever do. "Tom leave the poor girl alone and let's eat, before the food gets cold" Elize said. Tom gave me a stern look before walking downstairs to his wife. I shrugged and followed after. I walked into the living room, Tom, Elize and Y/n were already seated. I sat down next to Y/N, who was seated across her parents. Y/n's mom did a short pray, before she told us we could eat. During the whole dinner, Y/n's dad always gave me looks, while he was having a conversation with his daughter and wife. Me on the other hand was just listening to them talk, sometimes adding in my own comment when they would speak to me. The dinner was nice. After we were done with the dinner, Y/n and I went to do the dishes.

"sorry about my dad. He can be a bit extreme sometimes" Y/n apologized as she was washing the dishes. "it's fine. I understand him though, your is only daughter" I told her as I dried the dishes. "but he can at least be nicer" she said as she was washing a plate. "it's fine Y/n" I told her and put the drying of cloth down. I stood behind her and put my hands on the edge of the basen and pressimg my front to her back. "if you were my only daughter, I'd do the same" I whispered into her ear as she was trapped between me and the basen. I kissed, behind her ear, then her cheek and then her neck. She jumped a little when I kissed her neck. A small growl escaped my lips as I pushed my front ferther against Y/n's back. I don't knwi what came over me, when my K-nines came out and I grazed them over her neck. I inhaled her sent as I dragged my K-nines over the exposed skin. "Lauren" I snaped out of my trance as I heard Y/n's voice. I stopped what I was doing and backed away from her. "s-sorry" I stammered out as I kept my head down, cause I know my eyes are gold. "i-I need to go" I said and turned around to leave, but Y/n grabbed my wrist stopping me fork leaving.

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