.Chapter 2.

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.Y/n's Pov.

"Y/n, Hurry up, before your late for school!" my mom shouted from down stairs. I groaned and grabbed my bag, before heading down stairs. "I'm coming!" I shouted as I jogged down. "well hurry up!" my best friend, Rihanna said. Rihanna practically lives here. She's my best friend and all, but she can be a real pain in the ass at times. I don't mind that she's always here, but she can be annoying, when she wants to be. "yea, yea, whatever" I said pushing her face away and took a seat next to her at the table. "are you too excited for your first day of high school?" my mom asked with a big smile. "no-Yes!" Rihanna shouted, interrupting me, from saying what I was about to say. "like I was saying. No, I'm not excited and it's not even our first day of high school, it's my 2nd year now" I said then stuffed two pieces of bacon in my mouth. "your such a pig" Rihanna said as she looked at me in disgust.

I stuck my tongue out at her and she pulled a face. There was half chewed food on my tongue. I laughed at the face she pulled and swolowed the food. "disgusting" Rihanna mumbled, before eating her breakfast. "all for you babe" I said ad gave her a long and wet kiss on the cheek. "ew!" Rihanna whined, pushing my face away and whipping her cheek. I stuck my tongue out at her again, this time there wasn't food on it. "finish your food, children it's almost time for you two to leave" my mom said and I rolled my eyes at her. After we finished our breakfast, Rihanna and I said, our goodbye's and hopped in my car. We arrived at school, and the parking lot was packed, with new and old students. I drive to my parking space, that has my name on it. My parents payed for that spot. It's the best spot in the school and I got it. As I drove to my parking spot, students parted ways, since if they didn't they'd get bumped and I don't want that.

I don't want to scratch my baby. I parked my car and climed out. There were students looking at us, as Rihanna and I climed out. You see, Rih and I are, part of the popular group, you could even say we are the popularest students in school. I'm popular, because I'm the badass and because Im apparently the hottest student in school. Rih is popular, because she's my best friend and because she's also part of the hot students list. I raised an eyebrow at them, they stopped looking and walked away. I heard someone squeale, making me turn around, "Normani!" Rihanna shouted and ran the the dark skinned girl. Normani is one of Rihanna's friends, but we don't get along. "Dinah!" Rih shouted, jumping on the tall blond, giving a tight hug. Dinah is also one of Rih's friends, and the same goes for her, we don't get along. "hey girl!" the two girls shouted and huged Rihanna. "oh, hey there Y/n" they said, annoyed.

"hi" I nodded my head at them and they looked at Rihanna. Rihanna rolled her eyes at our intersection, but started a conversation with the two girls. I leaned against my car as the three talked. "do you smell that?" Rihanna whispered. "yea, it smells almost like another..." Dinah trailed off, giving Rihanna a knowing look. I didn't care what they were talking about, they probably smelled something weird in the air. These three girls are so weird when they're together. Dinah and Rihanna made a sound that sounded almost like a growl. See, they're so weird. Then the three started ahead of them. I looked to where they were looking at and saw a girl, with raven hair and pale skin. She wore black ripped jeans, a black-tank-top and a pair of combat-boots. She was hot. Like drop-dead-gorgeous, hot. Damn, she even got abs and her biseps. She walked past us, as Rihanna and Dinah started the girl down. Weird. When the girl walked into the school, Rihanna, Dinah and Normani turned to each other and started talking, about weird things.

I couldn't really make out what they were saying, but the words, 'Alpha', 'that wolf' and something about a meeting, later after school. I shrugged and thought that it was none of my business. But wait, isn't that girl new? I haven't seen her before. The bell rang, singling the start of school. The girls and I walked into school, going to our home-rooms for this year. My home-room-teacher is Mr Miller and I share home-room with Dinah and Normani. Great. Note the sarcasm. Rihanna was in Ms Smiths class, she is also a new teacher to our school. Dinah, Normani and I said goodbye to Rihanna as we went our separate ways to our classes. Me walking ahead of the two girls. Whem I got to my new classroom there were only a few students. I looked around the classroom for a seat and spotted the back seat by the window  empty. I looked at Mr Miller and he was looking me up and down. Ew, Grose. Dude what the fuck!? I pulled a face and made my way to the empty seat at the back.

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