.Chapter 3.

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a Vampire!?.

.Y/n's Pov.

After school, I got in my car and went straight home. I was tired even if we didn't do any work today. When I got home, I ate leftover pizza from last night, then went up to my room and colapsed on my bed. Even though I was exhausted, I couldn't sleep. When I close my eyes all, I can see are those beautiful emerald green ones. Am I crushing on Lauren? No it can't be, I literally met her a few hours ago. But I feel like we have a connection. Like something is just drawing me tawords her. Like a magnet! I just want to be around her all the time. It's weird, I know.  I layed down on my back, with a huff, looking up at the ceiling. looking up at the picture I had on my ceiling. It was a picture I drew, when I got home from the camp, I went on when I was 13. It was a drawing of the wolf.

I really thought that wolf was going to kill me. But hey, never judge a book by its cover, right. I was drifting of to sleep when I just had this feeling like I was being watched. Weird. I shrugged it off and let sleep take over me. I woke up and checked the time on my phone. It shoqed that it was now 5:30. I walked down the stairs expecting to she my mom in the kitchen cooking dinner and my dad sitting on his single couch, reading a newspaper, but the house was quiet. There was onoone in the house. I walked into the kitchen to find a plate of food and a letter attached to it. I took the letter of the plate and sat down to read it. The food was still worm, so it only mean it wasn't long when my parents left it here. The read that my mom and dad were going on some business trip, in China and that they'll be back in 3 months.

Woah, that's the longest they've ever stayed out. I guess I have the hole house to myself now. I stood up, grabbed the plate of spaghetti and sat down in the living room. I switched on the TV and looked through Netflix for a good movie to watch. Afyrr finding a good action movie, I started eating. After about a half an hour it was 6 and I was bored of watching the move. I stood up, switched the TV off and walked into the kitchen to wash out my plate. I looked through the window of the kitchen and saw that it was still light outside. So I grabbed my jacket and made my way to the front door. It was the middle of winter, so it's pretty cold outside, Exspesally with all this snow. I put on my fuzzy jacket as I walk down my porch and into the woods opposite my house. I walked through the woods, my boots sinking into the snow.

The snow almost touching my knees thats how deep the snow is. As I walked through the woods, I followed a path I always use to take, to get away from everything. It's this open field with a a bunch of trees and bushes surrounding it. After walking for a few more minutes I got to the place and sat down, against a tree. I layed my back against  the tree and looked up at the sky. I closed my eyes when a light brease, blew. I inhealed the fresh, clean air. 'SNAP!' I shot up at the sound and looked at my surroundings. "hey" a feminine voice said, from in front of me. I looked up and saw my English teacher standing in form of me. "Ms Smith? W-what are you doing out here?" I asked looking up at her. "I could asked you the same thing" she said with a small smirk. I shifted a little, feeling uncomfortable under her gaze.

Her blue-ish-Grey eyes, seem like they were glowing. "so what are you doing out here, all.... alone?" she asked as she walked tawords me slowly, watching me closely. "um, you know, just trying to get out more" I said, nervously. She hummed her eyes not leaving me. "i-I think I shood go, it's getting late" I said and stood up. I dusted my pants off. When I looked up, my breath literally stopped in my throat. My English teachers eyes were glowing a bright royal red. My heart was beating rapidly in my chest as I stood and watched her. She smirked and I think I saw fang? She has fucking fangs!? "you can't go now Y/n, the fun was just about to begin" she said with a devil-ish smirk. And just in a blink of an eye, she was right in front of me. The fuck! Is Ms Smith a vampire!? "I–" I said, still shocked to what I've seen. "what's the matter Y/N, cat got your-" she was cut off, by a deep growl that shook the ground.

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