.Chapter 4.

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.If Vampire are real,
WereWolfs could be too,

.Y/n's Pov.

I can't believe my new English teacher is a vampire. And what chased it was a dire wolf. I-I thought those things didn't exist. But all I can think is how familiar it looked. It couldn't be the same wolf from the time I went camping with my parents, can it? No it can't, be. We went camping in California, and this is Miami. It can't be the same wolf. I know it can't be, the wolf I met in California was way smaller then, this one. This one's huge! What happend yesterday, is in the past now. I'll just ignore that, whatever happened 2 weeks ago, never did. I grabbed my bag and hopped in my car. I drove to school, pretty fast and practically ran into the school, looking for Rihanna. "woah Dawg. Why do you look so paranoid?" Dinah asked when I got to her, Normani and Rihanna. "nothing" I said. "Y/n, what wrong?" Rih asked. "nothing. I'm fine" I said, looking around me.

"clearly your not. Your stuttering, shaking and Your looking around like your being chased" Normani pointed out. She really had to put it out there. I looked over Normani's shouldn't, to the office and saw Ms Smith and Mr Miller walk out. Ms Smith looked at me and smirked. Mr Miller turned to look at me to and smirked. Shit. Is he a vampire too? We have two vampires in our school!? Ah shit. "Y/n, answer the ques-" Rihanna was cut off, by the bell. Thank God. "I have to go, I don't want to be late for class!" I said and turned around. I went to my first period, Spanish. I walked into Spanish class and looked around for a seat, seeing an open seat next to Lauren. I smiled and made my way to her. "hey" I said sitting down. "hey!" she said, when she saw it was me. When our eyes met, I was frozen. A picture of that wolf's eyes flashed in front of me.

"how are you?" she asked, snapping me out of my trance. "uh, I-I'm okay. How about you?" I asked. "I'm good" she said, with a smile. We started a conversation and I could help, but feel slightly intimated by her eyes. They were just so green and bright, they looked so much like that wolf's eyes. But she couldn't be the wolf, right. Could she? No no no, she can't. But then again she could, cause if Vampire's are real, then WereWolfs can be real too, right. "Y/n! Are you even listening?" Lauren said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "huh? What?" I asked, plinking my eyes. "you warent listening" I said with a frown. "no, I was. I just got a little destracted" I told her. "with what?" she asked. "uh, with a few things" I told her. "and those things are?" she challenged. She's not gana let it go is she? "just something that happened yesterday" I said and a flash of relision went through her eyes. But why?

The teacher walked through the door and our attention was on the work she was giving. The bell rang signaling end of first period. I packed up my things and made my way to second period, which was maths, and lucky Lauren and I share this period. We sat next to each other again. She helped me with math questions I didn't know how to do or didn't understand. Then it was next period, she has English and I have geography. Which sucks, cause I hate geography. Normani and I share this period. I got to geography and made my way to the back of the classroom. I wasn't really paying attention in class, because the next thing I know the bell rang and students were packing up and going for break. Finally. I grabbed my bag and left for break. Just when I turned the corner I bumped into someone, with me landing on top of them. "well damn, take me on a date first" a raspy voice said, with a small chuckle. I looked down and was met with green ones.

"oh shit, sorry" I said, as I felt my cheeks heat up when I noticed how close our faces were from each other's. I stared into her eyes. They were so beautiful. "so are your just going to lay on top of me or are you going to get up?" she asked, and I snapped out of my trance. "oh, right right, sorry" I said and got up. "it's okay" she chuckled as she dusted herself of. "where were you heading to?" I asked. "out to the field, and you?" she asked. "uh, I was going to look for my friends, but I can't find them" I told her. "why don't you sit with me today, fuck your friends" Lauren said with a charming smile. "o-okay" I said with a small blush. God, her smile is so cute. "let's go then" she said and grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction of the schools back field. "is this where you sit?" I asked when we got to a place that was cover with trees. You couldn't see from the outside, but you could see the hole field from the inside. "yea" Lauren said and sat down against the tree.

Her Wolf.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora