Chapter 36

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I was going to hike around the lake to the beach side but that would have taken me too much time and then I wouldn't have enough time to set up my surprise so I used my water power to quickly run over the lake to the other side. I used my telepathy and forcefields to block anyone from knowing where I was or what I was doing apart from the professor and I told Jean what I was doing in case anyone freaked out when they couldn't find me.

Once I was there, I found the small clearing that wasn't too far from the waters edge but was still hidden enough so you couldn't see it from the school. I then used my nature powers to build a wall of rose bushes littered with pink, red and white flowers around the edge of the clearing but leaving enough space to get to the water and an entrance from the woods. I then grabbed the twinkle lights out of my bag and used the telekinesis I'd been learning with Wanda to string them throughout the bushes but I left them turned off until later. The next part is what took the most time. I asked Kurt telepathically if he could bamf over the food cooler in my room along with a few other things which he happily did. That then left me to set up the campfire, a seating area (which was a couple of fallen tree trunks with blankets and cushions) and the tent. It was a twelve person tent but could easily fit all fifteen of us in it.

After I had finished, I made my way back over to the school. All the other students were gradually making their way inside as it was getting later so i took the opportunity of the empty courtyard to call out all my soulmates. I quickly slid into the message to bring some pjs, a clean change of clothes and a water bottle which led to a lot of questions. Loki even quickly teleporting out to ask me but I just waved him off and said to do as I told him and then he'd find out. They made their way out in small groups with all their stuff. Some had confused looks while some other looked excited.

Loki teleported to behind to me and whispered in my ear, "do I get to know what you have planned now love?"
"Not yet. You just have to trust me and follow my lead." He looked like he was trying to figure out what I was planning but couldn't quite get to the answer so just sighed before agreeing.
By the time everyone had arrived walked over, I was getting thrown questions left, right and centre so I just made a massive gust of wind come past and nearly knock them all over excluding Loki and Bruce who were both patiently waiting behind me to see where I was taking them. Everyone nearly tumbled over and had to use each other to keep standing before looking around at the sky where they thought the gust came from.
"Okay, now that I have your attention, sorry about nearly knocking you over by the way. I realised that I've been kinda distant these past couple of weeks and that was due to some personal things so I just wanted to make it up to you guys. With that being said, if you'd like to follow me, it would be gravely appreciated."

I started walking off into the direction around the lake. It took a couple of seconds for any of them to process what was going on which caused them all to sprint up behind me and nearly knock all of us over, me included which caused me to giggle. We chatted the whole way there and I learnt a lot about all of them. The basic details about who they were, I knew already but what I learnt about their individual personalities was totally different. My empathy kind of helped in that situation though as I could sense their feelings towards certain subjects. I also talked a lot about my past and what I had been through but I didn't mention my so called farther because I didn't want to bring the mood down. The main thing I spoke about was my life since I came here and how much all of my friends and the teachers helped me.

By the time all of the chatting about ourselves was done, we were almost at the clearing and the sunset was stalking closer. I used my telekinesis to switch the twinkle lights on as we were getting closer which made Loki and Stephen look at me as they sensed me use my powers but I just ignored them and walked through the narrow gap into the clearing. There was enough room for everyone to get through but you had to walk single file. They all had looks of amazement and awe at all the stuff in the clearing. There was a fire set up in the middle, but not lit, with a seating area around it which Clint and Bruce naturally gravitated to while I slowly walked around to the other opening before walking through. I left a trail of tulips that they could follow after they snap out of their amazement.

After I got down to the waters edge, I sat down in the sand and rested back on my arms watching the sun slowly make its way down to meet the earth. I heard footsteps coming up behind me so I turned around slightly to see all my soulmates. Pietro came up to me and handed me the tulips I had grown. "Here you go printessa."
I smiled and motioned for him and the others to come and sit next to me. We watched the sunset in silence just appreciating the sight and each others company. Red hues painted the sky with pinks and yellows swirling between them. The clouds darkened into a deep purple colour and you could see the moon coming out to say hello. It reminded me of a story that I used to read when I was younger. It was in one of the only things my mum left me, her story book.

"Have you guys ever heard about the story of the sun and the moon?" They all just shook their heads or gave me confused looks. "It's said that the sun and moon fell deeply in love with one another but they couldn't both exist together otherwise they would end up killing each other. That's when the sun decided to leave at night so her moon could continue to live and shine by himself. She loved him so much that she sacrificed them seeing each other and being together so the moon could continue to live. It's a sad story but it shows how truly remarkable and strong love actually is. It can make you want to sacrifice everything, even the relationship itself, so the other can live to their fullest."

They all just looked at me in awe but I didn't realise as my eyes were trained on the moon above our heads. Their love story always hit me hard and made me wonder if that's what love is really like. Their love story made me realise that even though my mum left me, it was because she loved me dearly and she didn't want me to be in pain when she passed away. She knew she was dying but put her ability to see and love me aside so that I could try and live a normal life and not be left on my own as a baby. To that I'm grateful, but she just chose the wrong person to trust.

By the time I snapped out of my thoughts, everyone was around the fire trying to get it started and the sun had completely disappeared leaving the sky littered with millions of stars. I relaxed even further and wiped away the tear that had rolled down my cheek. I hadn't even realised I'd been crying but my mum, even if I didn't know her, is still my biggest hero and is my guardian angel.

Slowly, I got up and made my way over to the fire. They were all still trying to light it so I walked past them and went and sat next to Bruce. "How long have they been trying to start it?"
"About twenty minutes. You kinda spaced out so we left you to your thoughts and we were going to come and get you once the fire was started but that is taking longer than we thought."
I giggled which caused Bruce to smile down at me. "When do you think they'll remember that I could light the fire just by waving my hand?"
This time, he laughed. "Probably a while." We sat there for a few seconds in a comfortable silence until Bruce spoke up again. "What were you thinking about on the beach, if you don't mind me asking."
I just smiled and lowered my head to look at my hands before meeting his eyes again. "The story reminds me of my mum, the one about the sun and the moon. My mum was my sun and I was her moon."
"Where's your mum now?"
I looked apprehensive and got a little uncomfortable but Bruce just took my hand in his and gave it and encouraging squeeze. "She passed away when I was a baby so she left me with one of her close friends."
"I'm so sorry. I didn't know."
"It's okay. I haven't told many people. They don't really ask around here. Once you come to this school, people don't worry about your past, it's about your future."

Bruce pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist. I snuggled into him until I could hear voiced getting slightly louder around the fire. I didn't even bother unburying my face from Bruce's chest when I waved my hand towards the fire and it instantly burst to life with flames. I could then just feel everyone's eyes on me as the group fell into silence until Clint spoke up in a joking tone. "Well, you could have done that a little bit sooner. Instead I have to get swatted over the back of the head by four different people."
Everyone just burst out laughing and I rested my head on Bruce's shoulder so I could see everyone which just led to Clint giving me a wink.

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. We ate hotdogs that we roasted on the fire, roasted marshmallows and told each other our favourite stories from when we were younger. I had already told my favourite and I was going to tell them my other one when I saw Scott half way asleep. "Okay. Common guys, to bed with all of us lot. It's starting to get late and we can finish this tomorrow morning."
Some of them groaned but most of them just grungily walked into the tent as sleep was starting to hit them hard. When I got in, I ended up snuggling up in between T'challa and Logan who were both really warm. They almost instantly wrapped their arms around me. That combined with their warmth and my contentment caused me to fall asleep before I could even say goodnight to everyone.

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