Chapter 37

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I woke up at about 3 am, like I normally do, so I decided to go for a small walk to tire myself out and to stop my mind from running a million miles a minute. It's one of the many problems I have. My mind can't seem to stay on one topic for too long and I get distracted really easily. There are just so many questions I have about the world and not enough answers. All different scenarios play out in my head for what could happen in the future or what could have changed in the past if I had just done things even the slightest bit differently. I was so caught up in my head and processing all the fun and excitement I'd had today, starting with Wanda and my friends and ending with my soulmates.

That's when I heard it. Screams. I instantly ran towards it and as I was getting closer, I heard what sounded like animals in distress so I pushed myself to run faster but I couldn't go any quicker so I did something I wouldn't normally do. I shifted. White and light grey fur started to cover me as I shrunk onto all fours and my ears and tail popped out. I shifted into my snow leopard and bounded through the forest. Dogging every tree, I leapt through the forest in the direction of the commotion. With my enhanced hearing due to my shift, I could make out the sound of a female, a horse, a menacing growl and a hissing sound. I scrunched my eyebrows and pushed myself faster.

As I came to the clearing, I saw a girl in her late teens being protected by a large wolf, a giant snake and what looked like a horse but it had eight legs. There was two ravens circling over top of them but that's not what concerned me, it was the two dozen mutants surrounding them that worried me. I could feel their strength from here. There was a mixture of class 2s and 4s but the group was predominantly made up of class 3 mutants. The girl and the horse looked like they'd already been injured so I didn't waste any time to see if they could handle themselves. I shifted back to my normal self before joining the fight.

I instantly shifted into my fighting mind that I'd developed through my time with LS labs and snuck around the edge of the clearing to get a better advantage point before hoisting myself into the tree. From there, I could see everyone but they couldn't see me so I used that to my advantage. Green started to dance around in my eyes as I slowly made strong vines circle the mutants feet before closing my fist which made the vines tighten around their legs so they couldn't move. That's when they noticed that someone else was there so I had to act quickly. I surrounded there feet in a ring of fire and wrapped water around their necks with only enough pressure to make it slightly harder to breathe. There was some mutants there that could control either fire or water but they weren't strong enough to overthrow my power.

It was at that point that I lowered myself out of the tree and walked into the clearing. I let my power radiate off of me instead of keeping it hidden behind a shield like I usually do so they knew how much of a threat I was. I firmly planted my feet when I was standing in front of the leader of the group and I started at him with confidence surrounding my aura. There was a sinister and evil glint in my eye which made him wobble slightly and try and take a step back but my vines prevented him from moving an inch which caused me to smirk and fold my arms over my chest.
"Take all your puppets and get out of here. Leave and don't come back."
He looked shocked before shaking his head. "I can't do that. I have a score to settle with their father and I'm not leaving until I do it."
"Well then. You're going to have to go through me. Trust me when I say I won't hesitate to kill every single one of you." I temped forward and said in a more sinister and dark tone towards the end.

He just shivered again before shaking his head again. The second I saw him move his head from side to side I twisted my wrist. The man next to him, who I guessed was his second in command, had a look of sheer terror on his face before his head twisted at an alarming angle and he fell to the ground in a slump. "Take your people and get out of here while you still have the chance."

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