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shoplook.io/outfit-preview/44356 (Outfit for the day)

Ethan's P.O.V.

I wake up to the smell of bacon and an empty space where (M/N) had been. I laid there for a moment, then rolled out of the bed onto the floor. I rubbed my eyes and stood up, fumbling with the door knob. I can see (M/N)'s (F/C) hoodie from my the door way. I quietly walk over to him, then wrap my arms around his waist. He jumps slightly, then turns around.

"Morning sleeping Beauty." (M/N) says, his voice slightly husky.

He wraps an arm around my shoulder and pulls me so that my head lays on his chest. He kisses the top of my head and ruffles my hair. I let go of him and sit on the counter across from him. I then glance at the clock on the stove, 9:18.


"What's wrong Ethan." (M/N) asks

"We were supposed to be at Mark's form a live stream almost an hour ago."

(M/N) stops what he's doing and turns everything off. "Ethan, go get dressed, we'll make up some kind of excuse when we get there."

I nod and Run to my room to put normal clothes on. When I come back out, (M/N) already has my backpack and is waiting by the door. We quickly exit the the apartment building and climb into his jeep. He sets the bags in the back seat and starts the car. We pull out of the parking lot and take the high-way to Mark's house. We park the car in Mark's drive way and walk towards the door. I unlock it and walk in, (M/N) following behind me.

"What the hell took you two so long." Mark asks, slightly upset.

"Sorry Mark, I over slept." I say looking at the ground

"We both did." (M/N) says as he sets down our backpacks.

"But...don't you guys live in different places." Tyler asks

"Yeah, and your point is?" (M/N) says, a blush on his cheeks.

Tyler just shakes his head and starts to set up the cameras.

"but seriously" Mark starts to say "there was an accident on the high-way with a car that looked like yours. And neither of you answered your phone"

"Sorry, we were in the middle of something" Ethan says, turning red.

"And that would be...?" Mark asks, leaning on the counter.

(M/N) P.O.V.

"Nothing much." You reply, smirking at him.

He smirks back, "well lucky for you then. Today's' video is Q/A. So you'll have to answer it eventrully." He then walks over in front of the camera and sits down with tyler on his right, Ethan on his left, and (M/N) next to Ethan. Mark does his sound check, then starts his intro.

"Hello  everybody, my Name is Markipler. And today were doing a Q/A with Ethan, Tyler, and (M/N)" he puases, " who wants to go first?"

No one volunteers to go first.

"okay then" Mark says as he pulls up his twitter, "this ones for Ethan. Are you in any relationships, if so, say who"

Ethan looks at his hands and his cheeks turn almost scarlet.

"It's okay Ethan, we'll try not to laugh" tyler says comfortingly.

Ethan takes a deep breath, "I-I'm dating (M/N)"

The room goes dead silent.

Mark looks between Ethan and you. "is this true...?"

"Yep" you reply, not even phased by the question.

"wasn't expecting that" Mark said, "But let's stay on that track, when the hell did this happen?"

"Last night tecnically" you say.

"were you planing to tell us?" he asks

"Eventrully, yes. Today, no"

Everything is Blue (Ethan Nestor x Male! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now