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I woke up, hearing Ethan in the shower. He was singing, he always did, and I thought it was adorable. I rolled myself out of bed, pulled on a pair of sweatpants, and grabbed my phone. I walked out of the bedroom, and head to the kitchen to fix breakfast. It was six am, the latest I've woken up this week. I got out eggs, waffle mix, and sausage. I had started to play music as I cooked, and I didn't even register that Ethan was behind me.

"...He was red, and I was blue. But when you touched me, I became a lilac sky. And you decided purple wasn't for you..."

"...Your dripping like a saturated sunrise. Your spilling like an overflowing sink. Your ripped at ever edge but your a masterpiece. And your tearing through the pages and the ink..." I hadn't expected to hear Ethan behind me, and I slightly jumped when he wrapped his arms around me. I leaned down and kissed him. Slowly pulling away, I never thought I would care about someone this much. I'd always been told that I couldn't love who I wanted to, that I had to fit the mold. But Ethan, and the Markiplier team, made me realize I could be who I wanted to be, love who I choose, do whatever the fuck I wanted to do. As I looked at Ethan, I knew I could never not love him. He flowed through my veins, he was in my brain, and he held my heart in his hands. He is the love of my life, and that will never change.

I kissed Ethan's forehead, then returned to cooking. He continued to sing, and my heart fluttered at the sound of singing, being a blue angel. I'd met Ethan four years ago. I was going through a dark time, I had just came out, and everyone turned on me. I had to go live with my brother, Tom, because he was the only one that expected me. Then I met Ethan on Twitter, he was there when no one else was. Through the years, we got closer and closer. And I think back to a year ago, when I was so scared he wouldn't love me back, that he would reject me, and our friendship would be ruined.  I was snapped out of my thoughts when Ethan kissed my cheek. He always knew when I was lost in my thoughts, and he always brought me out of them.  I finished the waffles and the bacon, then started cooking the eggs. Ethan made some coffee, and passed me a grey mug, while his was blue. Everything I owned was some color of the rainbow, and pastels, or grey(mostly grey), while Ethan owned mostly blue. Sometimes we were polar opposites, and then we're alike in so many different ways.

"Ethan," I said as I put food on two plates, "I love you."
"I love you more"

"I love you most I win."

Ethan only giggled, a fucknormus grin on his face. We sat down to eat, music still playing. I pulled him from his chair when 'Hearts don't break around here', by Ed Sheehan.

"...shakes my soul like a pot hole, every time. Took my heart upon a one way trip, guess he went wondering of with it. Unlike most men I know, he will bring it back whole." Ethan's head was resting in the crook of my neck, his hands on my chest, my arms around his waist. We stayed like that for awhile, until the song ended, then we finished eating. I got ready for the day, pulling on a black t-shirt, black ripped jeans, a purple flannel tied around my waist, black combat boots, and a purple beanie. Quoting Ethan, I looked like an enderman. He was wearing a a blue t-shirt under my  hoodie, a pair of jeans, and blue converse. He always had my hoodie on, even if it was a million fucking degrees out side, he still wore it. I knew why, he liked that it was so big on him, it was oversized on me, but it was three times his size. Ethan went to go record som videos, (I had already pre-recorded mine for the next couple weeks), while started on cleaning up. I did the dishes, wiped down the kitchen, swept and mopped, then vacuumed, and started laundry. When I cleaned and Ethan wasn't busy, he always tried to help, but I wouldn't let him. It wasn't that I didn't want his help, he just did so many little things for me. Some weeks it was flowers, or he'd plan a date, or he'd bring home my favorite treats. I never just expected nor told him to do it, he just did. I didn't want him to have to lift of finger with any of the boring things that just came with life. As I was folding laundry, I heard his laugh come from the other room where he was recording. It always made me smile, that's why I never asked him to clean. He was so happy, I didn't want to make him to something so boring. And besides, I really enjoyed cleaning.

I finished up all my tasks, so I sat down and started to scroll through YouTube comments on the video of our proposal. They were thousands and comments congratulating us, asking when the wedding was, you know, just the common things people ask. I did see some bad ones though, so I deleted them. There was no need for people to say things like that, it was our lives not theirs. But I also understood that I had but my life on the internet, so there would always be hate. But I take the good with the bad, it's just a part of life. A short knock came at the door, I set down my phone and cautiously opened the door. It was a UPS man.

"Are is this the address of (M/N) (L/N)?" the man asked

"Yeah" I replied.

He handed me a small package, and I immediately knew what it was. The rings.

"Thank you" I said as I signed the paper, and then he left. I opened the box to make sure they were in good shape, and I couldn't help but smile when I saw Ethan's ring. It was a black band, with 'I love you' engraved on the inside. The outside had jewels in the pattern of the rainbow. It was breathtaking, and all I could do was hope Ethan liked it. Mine was much simpler than his. It was black, with opals on it, so that when the light caught them just right, it would make tiny rainbows. I put them back in the box, them but in  the draw of my bedside table. I heard Ethan laugh again. And I made a decision right there and then. I knew he was live streaming, so I could have a little fun with this. I went to our closest and pulled out a nerf gun, and started walking towards the shut door. I opened the door, he didn't even hear me, but his stream did. I aimed and shot, knocking his head phones off. The look on his face was fucking hilarious.

"You gonna get me back, or just sit there with you mouth open love?"
He grabbed his nerf gun from under his desk. It was much smaller than the one I had, but he was good with it. It went on like that for awhile, waiting for someone to make a move, then Ethan's phone rang. He looked away to see who was calling, and the burg bullet whizzed right passed him onto the wall. By the time his senses put him into motion, I was already behind him. He squeaked, a sound I rarely hear come from him. And then I started tickling him. He was so gonna get pay back on me later, but for now, I won. I wouldn't change this relationship for anything.

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